Victims and the 22nd degree

Last night, I thought I was going to write a post on solar returns. Return charts are actually how I got my start with astrology. I used to order the “Journeys” report from Cafe Astrology every year – which turned out to be really helpful in my learning.

The thing is – computerized readings don’t give you a really complete picture. They’re just not nuanced enough to truly “predict” anything.

Any astrology chart is going to have a lot of “moving parts” and the computerized readings tend not to take certain things into consideration. If they do, they don’t tie it together the way a real live astrologer would.

Anyway, I was going to analyze the Solar return chart of Nancy Spungen’s year of death. I was going to read it first in Placidus, and then in Whole Signs, and compare. But then I spotted the 22nd degree in her Return chart….and my plans changed.

Although I still have serial killer charts to pour over, I’ve also been wanting to look into the charts of victims for the degree that’s been sensationalized as “kill or be killed”…

And so I did. (As for the other stuff, it’s on the back burner along with numerous other post ideas!)

The Charts

I went on’s “Astro-databank” and looked under “homicide victims”, choosing more or less at random.

The first chart I clicked on was for Melissa Benoit, a 13-year-old who had been raped and murdered by her neighbor.

Her Ascendant was at 22 degrees Sagittarius, and Saturn was in its detriment at 22 degrees Leo….in the Placidus 8th house. 8th house cusp is at 29 degrees Cancer, with the Moon in the 3rd house (neighbors). Moon is opposing 9th house Mercury. Her assailant was a Bible school instructor. (9th house = religion and education)

Killing degree 22nd degree Ascendant. degree theory

The next chart was for Dawn Brown. Mistaken for her sister, her sister’s jealous ex-boyfriend shot her in the face.

The 22nd degree was not found in her chart. She did have an 8th house Mars square to 5th house Uranus. I found that interesting. Also, the ruler of her Ascendant (Venus) was in its Fall with its most exact aspect being a quincunx to Fallen Saturn. Really, there were a few noteworthy things in her chart.

killing degree astrology

Next up is Sabine Bohain. Victim of a “family annihilator”, her husband shot her, her babies, and her parents before turning the gun on himself.

Again, without looking for midpoints, the 22nd degree is not highlighted. Her Ascendant Ruler was in detriment and in the 7th house – and also the apex of a T square with 10th house Jupiter and 4th house Neptune. Her MC was at the critical 29th degree of Aries.

While this is not an exhaustive study by any means (and will be ongoing!), it doesn’t show the 22nd degree as particularly important in the charts of victims. Only 1 out of the 3 has anything at the 22nd degree. The thing that has come up again and again? Planets in their detriment or fall. 2 out of the 3 had a damaged Ascendant ruler. I think this is something to really keep an eye on for future posts…

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