Venus in Libra

Venus’ ingress to Libra

With Venus in Libra, our relationships are highlighted for the next month or so. We are more inclined to make an effort to understand the people around us. We are much more open to compromising and finding a balance. We can be more charming, artistic, romantic, and refined in the way we express ourselves.

However, in some cases “peace and harmony” comes at a price.

We can be indecisive and vacillating – and sometimes “go along, to get along”. We can be too eager to please others and neglect our own needs or minimize our own feelings in an effort to “keep the peace”. We might keep quiet to avoid a fight, sweeping issues that should probably be dealt with right under the rug.

Venus in Libra is also a time of social enjoyment – our social calendar can get a boost during this time. We can enjoy leisure activities related to art and culture. We may gravitate toward lighthearted romantic movies, fancy dinner parties or dining at high-end restaurants. Anything that screams “luxury” is likely to either be more coveted or indulged in when Venus is in Libra.

Libra scales. Gray and black

On a world level, Venus in Libra is a time when issues of fairness and equality come up for review in politics and the legal system.

Venus was in the signs she rules for 2 major events involving the formation of the United Nations:

Venus in Taurus when The UN Charter was signed in June 1945 – and this charter went into effect in October of 1945 while Venus was in Libra

We can also see “women’s issues” being taken more seriously. (Venus rules women). And issues pertaining to marriage and other forms of partnership (Venus and Libra) may make the news.

Real estate markets, luxury products, and currency/finances in general may also figure prominently in the headlines – and the collective consciousness. The beauty and fashion industry might get a big boost.

There can be a lot of buzz around musicians and other artists at this time as well.

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