The Sun/Venus midpoint on its own can be read as a conjunction of the Sun and Venus. In what sign does it fall in the chart? Which house?
Sun/Venus brings attention to matters related to love, relationships, and creativity. It can indicate opportunities for increased socializing, romantic encounters, or the acquisition of “nice things”. It can show a desire for love, beauty, and pleasure — and the ways a person might seek out attention or validation from others.
Activations of the Sun/Venus Midpoint
Sun/Venus = Sun: Emphasis on the Sun; being the center of attention
Pamela Anderson’s rise to fame occurred when her Secondary Progressed Sun was conjunct to her Sun/Venus Midpoint
Sun/Venus= Moon: Strong feelings of love. A demonstration of affection. Can show up for conception, pregnancy and giving birth.
Pamela Anderson’s Sun/Venus midpoint was activated again in February 1995 by the Progressed Moon. This is when she – on a whim – married Tommy Lee
Sun/Venus = Mercury: Writing or receiving a love letter. Conversations about love. Business transactions related to love – a contract for a romance novelist would be an example.
Sun/Venus = Venus: Venusian influence is strong.
Bruce Lee did 2 movies called Love Pt 1and Love Pt 2 when Progressed Venus was on his Sun/Venus midpoint
Sun/Venus = Mars: Increased sex drive and/or sexual magnetism. Creativity in action. Conception/birth. Occasionally, there may be difficulties in one’s love life
When Lisa Marie Presley’s Progressed Mars squared this midpoint in 2016, she filed for divorce from Michael Lockwood, after 10 years of marriage.
Sun/Venus = Jupiter: Success in one’s endeavors. Harmony in one’s relationships. General happiness. Increased options regarding romance / Many dates.
Sun/Venus = Saturn: Difficulties or tensions in relationships, separation, or fear of a breakup. Romantic loneliness, lovesickness.
Sun/Venus = Uranus: Expect the unexpected in relationships! Suddenly falling in love, impulsive decisions within a romantic relationship. “Shotgun weddings”. A long-term partner might behave in a shocking new way.
Sun/Venus = Neptune: Self-deception and subsequent disappointment regarding the character and/or intentions of a romantic interest. Over-idealization. Putting on an act or being misleading in relationships.
Sun/Venus = Pluto: Fated relationships. Obsession with a partner or romantic interest. Intense emotions. (When a partner had this transit, I got a never before seen glimpse into his dark side!)
Sun/Venus = Node: Making friends with artists. Meeting people under pleasant circumstances. Enjoyable events
Sun/Venus = Ascendant: Being more attractive to others, popularity.
Sun/Venus = Midheaven: Essentially the same meaning as Sun/Venus=Sun, Asc, or Node. A further possibility may be a change to one’s relationship status (engagement, marriage)