The Sun/Mercury midpoint on its own can be read as a conjunction of the Sun and Mercury. In what sign does it fall in the chart? Which house?
Sun/Mercury can indicate a person’s style of communication, mental abilities, and how they express themselves creatively. It is representative of one’s learning style, the ability to think critically, solve problems, and adapt to new information.
Additionally, the Sun/Mercury midpoint can indicate young people in one’s environment.
Activations of the Sun/Mercury Midpoint
Sun/Mercury = Sun: Leading others with one’s use of logic. Alternatively, being led – by one’s father, a boss, or another authority figure.
Sun/Mercury = Moon: In terms of emotional matters, there is a strong tendency towards rationalization. Additionally, this aspect promotes emotionally charged discussions
Sun/Mercury = Mercury: Learning new skills, enrollment in a school or course of study. Teaching – particularly younger people.
Sun/Mercury = Venus: One’s mindset regarding love, money, art, or beauty takes center stage. One’s thinking and/or decisions revolve around Venusian themes (Love, art, beauty, money, comforts, etc)
Sun/Mercury = Mars: Getting into arguments or debates. Strategy in sports or in war/fighting. Making an action plan.
Sun/Mercury = Jupiter: Broad thinking. Open-mindedness. Expansion of one’s mental horizons. A foreign journey such as a vacation or business trip
Sun/Mercury = Saturn: Seriousness in one’s thinking. Possible pessimism or depression. Thoughts about separation. Somber news.
Sun/Mercury = Uranus: Inventions, innovations, and reforms are stimulated by Sun/Mercury = Uranus. This can trigger scattered, erratic, or unusual thinking, sometimes leading to new ideas. However, it may also bring about anxiety from having to adjust to shocking news. Communication technology may play a role as well.
The transit was opposing Courtney Love’s Sun/Mercury at the time of Kurt Cobain’s March ’94 suicide attempt and then again in August and December ’94 – both months she was reported to be erratic and hysterical in performances with Hole.
Elon Musk has Sun/Mercury = Uranus natally.
Sun/Mercury = Neptune: This sometimes brings forth a wave of inspiration and imagination. It can be an opportune time for indulging in fiction writing, allowing the creative juices to flow. However, there is a potential for being deceived or becoming deceptive due to the influence of Neptune. It is important to be mindful of delusional thinking during this time.
Another transit Courtney Love experienced in and around the year of her husband’s death. She was arrested a couple of times for assault and was sued for it in a different incident. She later stated that she has little memory of 1994-1995 due to being on heroin and Rohypnol.
Sun/Mercury = Pluto: Making long-term plans. Alternatively, something could occur in which one’s perspective is altered dramatically.
Edgar Allan Poe had natal Sun/Mercury=Pluto (Sun/Mercury=publishing. Pluto=the macabre / themes of death)

Angelina Jolie had transit Pluto in the 5th house opposed to her Sun/Mercury when she adopted her first child and separated from Billy Bob Thornton.
Solar Arc Pluto in the 3rd opposed this point for me when my younger sister was born. I had been an only child for over 5 years at that point
Sun/Mercury = Node: Sociability. New friends/acquaintances. Meetings and presentations.
Sun/Mercury = Ascendant: Correspondence with others. An exchange of ideas. Perhaps being more talkative/communicative than one ordinarily is.
Sun/Mercury = Midheaven: Career is centered on communicating one’s ideas. Standing up for one’s convictions. A negotiation regarding one’s ambitions.