Transits and Progressions to the Sun/Mars Midpoint

Sun/Mars midpoint activation

The Sun/Mars midpoint on its own can be read as a conjunction of the Sun and Mars. In what sign does it fall in the chart? Which house?

Sun/Mars can inform you of a person’s general vitality and energy levels. One might expect to see it show up strongly in the charts of athletes. It can show enthusiasm and a can-do attitude. It represents willpower, leadership, and ambition and the way a person expresses their energy and drive. It can show how willing or unwilling a person is to assert themselves.

Activations of Sun/Mars by Transit or Progression

Sun/Mars=Sun: An emphasis on vitality. Generally, unless there’s a serious affliction, the person should be feeling healthy and strong.

Sun/Mars= Moon: Domestic action – moon becomes energized. What the moon “wants” is a sense of security. With Sun/Mars, there’s a push to obtain it. Can also correlate with caretaking – particularly by women. Alternately, taking care of a woman and deriving a sense of purpose from it. There can also be more negative manifestations, such as having a fight with one’s mother. It really depends upon the condition of the moon.

Sun/Mars=Mercury: Intellectual pursuits are energized. Learning a new skill. Taking action towards a plan.

Sun/Mars= Venus: Ambitions turn to a pursuit of love or sex. Intensified creativity. Conception or giving birth.

Sun/Mars = Mars: An emphasis on action. Sex drive may be stronger. Can increase aggression. May also coincide with surgery or an accident.

Donald Trump had ArcMars=Sun/Mars in 2007 when he is alleged to have carried on affairs with Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal. As a side note, his Sun/Mars =Venus/Saturn, natally.

From 1987 until his death in 1993, GG Allin experienced a surge in his aggressive tendencies. During this time, Progressed Mars was on his Sun/Mars midpoint. He was arrested for assault in late 1989 and spent the next 15 months in prison.

Sun/Mars = Jupiter: Success in one’s endeavors. Successful action. Winning. Optimism.

Erykah Badu had Jupiter transitting her Sun/Mars when she began recording her debut studio album, Baduizm

Sun/Mars = Saturn: Difficulties attaining success. Obstacles standing in the way of achievement. Frustration and inability to move forward with one’s ambitions. Defeat. Pessimism. Feeling stuck, blocked, weak, or fatigued.

Sun/ Mars = Uranus: Acting impulsively, taking a risk, adjusting to sudden new developments/conditions. Compulsory changes in one’s life – such as being imprisoned, or drafted into the military

Sun/Mars = Neptune: Dishonesty or deceit in pursuing one’s objectives (lying or cheating). Disappointments and losses. Being undermined, or defrauded. Illness and/or lack of energy. Difficulties in staying focused and motivated.

Transit Neptune was conjunct to Ted Bundy’s Sun/Mars midpoint in 1974. He would feign being injured or impersonate authority figures to gain the trust of his victims.

Sun/Mars = Pluto: A forceful effort. Brutal actions/violence. Action taken which could be deemed immoral. Overtaxing oneself physically.

This was activated via secondary progression in the chart of Beverly Allitt while she was murdering little kids. Technically she has it natally, but Progressed Pluto moved from 23.21 degrees Virgo (natal) to 24.06 degrees in the progressed chart. The actual midpoint is 24.31 Virgo. When Progressed Pluto was at the exact conjunction, a judge confirmed that she must serve a minimum of 30 years before even being considered for parole. For some background, she was initially given 13 life sentences and has spent the past 30+ years in a mental hospital.

Sun/Mars = Node: Working towards an objective in the company of others.

Sun/Mars= Asc: Devotion to a cause, being more courageous and confident. Obtaining a fit physique.

Jeffery Dahmer had this by secondary progression while he was in the military.

Sun/Mars = MC: Masculinity, bravado. Success and self-confidence.

Sun/Mars = Chiron: Deborah Jeane Palfrey, “the D.C. Madame” was convicted of money laundering and racketeering when transit Chiron was conjunct this midpoint. She committed suicide soon after

When GG Allin died, Arc Chiron was square to the Sun/Mars midpoint

Sun/Mars = Pallas: Beginning of trial for Richard Ramirez (Transit Pallas = Sun/Mars). I assume that this activation is related to patterns of behavior being scrutinized. More research is needed.

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