Transits and Progressions to the Sun/Jupiter Midpoint: Luck & Success

Sun/Jupiter Midpoint Transits Progressions solar arcs

The Sun/Jupiter midpoint is one of the “luckiest” of all the midpoints. It is an indicator for wealthy people and people of high social status. It’s related to success in fields having to do with Jupiter, such as law, philosophy, teaching, the travel industry, and religion. When activated by transit or progression the Sun/Jupiter midpoint can indicate a period of growth and expansion in various areas of life. It can show a time of luck, good fortune, and recognition. It can also suggest a time of increased confidence, enthusiasm, and a positive outlook on life. Conversely, in some instances, it can show extravagance, wastefulness, or overdoing something.

Activation of Sun/Jupiter by Transit or Progression

Sun/Jupiter = Sun:

Being rewarded or recognized. A feeling of well-being.

Sun/Jupiter = Moon:

Good health, happy emotional experiences, enjoyable social events, happiness in marriage.

Queen Elizabeth had this via secondary progression for her “Silver Jubilee” – a celebration of 25 years as Queen. The progressed Moon was also conjunct to progressed Mercury at this time.

Sun/Jupiter = Mercury:

Receiving good news. Successes in writing/publishing. Success with contracts of all kinds. Traveling and vacations.

Two billionaires with natal Mercury on their Sun/Jupiter midpoints: JK Rowling and Rihanna. Rihanna also has Mars=Sun/Jupiter.

Sun/Jupiter = Venus:

Being happy in one’s relationship. A feeling of optimism in one’s relationships. Going on a romantic getaway. Enjoyment of material goods. A feeling of wealth. Financial expansion. On the negative side, potential over-indulgence and over-spending.

Pamela Courson, the long-term girlfriend of Jim Morrison, met him when her Solar Arc Venus was on this midpoint.

Ted Bundy had this by secondary progression early in 1978. It was at this time that he essentially went on a murder/assault spree at a sorority house after having broken out of jail. Bundy’s Sun/Jupiter (as well as his Mercury/Venus) is on what Nikola Stojanovic calls the “killing degree”. (22 degrees — In Bundy’s case, it’s in the sign of Scorpio) Venus and Jupiter together often have something to do with over-indulgence or overdoing something. If we’re to take “degree theory” seriously, Bundy’s Sun/Jupiter=Venus on the killing degree shows “overkill”

Sun/Jupiter = Mars:

Ambition, successful activities, the will to succeed, achievement, enthusiasm, and/or zeal.

Sun/Jupiter = Jupiter:

Being rewarded or recognized. The experience of success. Taking a nice vacation

Sun/Jupiter = Saturn:

Feeling as though one’s success is being blocked in some way. Pessimism. On a positive note, this could be an indication of having to go through a time of struggle to attain success.

(Jim Morrison had this by Solar Arc the year he died. The actual midpoint was in his 8th house, receiving a square from Arc Saturn in the 6th)

Sun/Jupiter = Uranus:

Success is totally unexpected. Good luck. Windfalls

MegaMillions winner Gil Cisnero has Sun/Jupiter=Uranus natally. This was activated by the transiting North Node at the time he and his wife won $266 million! (Transit Neptune was also activating this midpoint!)

Queen Elizabeth had this natally. At the time of her birth, she was 3rd in the line of succession to the throne, and not at all expected to become Queen.

Sun/Jupiter = Neptune:

Mystical states or a feeling of “enlightenment”. A concentration on all things spiritual. Increased sensitivity and compassion. Psychic enhancement. Good intuition. More negatively, it can indicate a weakening of one’s vitality. The body and mind may become too sensitive to external influence which consequently is too much to handle. For this reason, a person can be more prone to drug and alcohol abuse and can also be more easily taken advantage of by others.

Janis Joplin had this in 1964 and developed a reputation as a “speed freak” during this time. As a result of just how bad it was, her friends threw a party to raise funds to send her home to her parents.

I’ve found multiple lottery/sweepstakes winners that have Sun/Jupiter=Neptune in their natal charts. Angela Kelly, $2 billion dollar Powerball winner, Edwin Castro, and Fred Drago are just a few

Sun/Jupiter = Pluto:

Massive success. Acquisition of wealth. On the other hand, one might encounter difficulties and power struggles related to their wealth or success.

Bruce Willis has this natally and certainly attained great wealth and success. Brad Pitt had Pluto square his Sun/Jupiter in 1991 – he gained recognition with the release of Thelma and Louise

Sun/Jupiter = Node:

Meeting wealthy or influential people. Having a benefactor. Meeting with others to make a plan for shared success.

Sun/Jupiter = Asc:

General success, good health, and happiness. May involve other people.

Queen Elizabeth’s Venus and Ascendant progressed to this point in 2017. At this time she had her Sapphire Jubilee. A celebration of 65 years on the throne.

Sun/Jupiter = MC:

General success, good health, and happiness. May be accompanied by a celebration

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