Venus Opposite Jupiter transit

Venus and Jupiter are considered the 2 most beneficial planets in astrology – even in a tense aspect, they can bring a feeling of well-being, abundance, and luck. However, there is a big risk of “too much of a good thing” when Venus and Jupiter meet – particularly when opposing each other.

Venus opposite Jupiter. Venus opposing Jupiter

Venus is associated with: comfort, sensuality, and relaxation. We could say that she is a “lazy” decadent, and self-indulgent influence.

Jupiter is associated with growth, increase, and expansion.

When they come together (in any aspect!) we may spend too much, eat or drink too much, and loll around too much.

With the opposition in particular, the reason for this “over-doing” likely has something to do with the influence of something (or someone) external.

Some examples:

*You spend too much because you want to buy a nice gift for another person – and there are so many good options that you can’t choose just one thing!

*You have a lot of important things to do…but you’re invited to a party. For whatever reason you feel compelled to “just make an appearance” but end up staying longer than you intended because you’re having such a good time!

*Let’s say Venus is debilitated or adversely aspected by another planet – you may spend too much on beauty items (or services) because someone makes you feel bad about your appearance.

Jupiter = Ethics. Venus = Feeling good.

Some other possibilities during the Venus Jupiter opposition are a loosening of one’s morals or guiding principles because something contrary to our codes of conduct “feels good”.

Maybe you’ve gone vegetarian (for your health, due to being against animal cruelty, or for some other “higher” purpose) but still crave meat sometimes. During the Venus-Jupiter opposition, there may be some scenario where you’re tempted. It can be very difficult to turn down opportunities for pleasure — even if you know you won’t feel good about it later.

We can lower our standards in many different ways during this transit.

Because Venus is a social planet – and she wants to be loved and admired – we can go against our principles to gain favor with the people around us. We crave compliments and attention under this influence.

It’s not all bad!

More positively, during Venus opposite Jupiter, we can receive gifts – or be the recipient of someone’s generosity. In some instances, we can gamble and win big!

Jupiter is generally a planet of optimism and encouragement. Someone could provide us with some positive feedback or compliments which make us feel more beautiful, or valuable.

Overall, this is a “feel good” transit and a good opportunity to “let loose” and enjoy life! Just be mindful of the tendency to over-do things – and resist the urge to lower your standards for temporary pleasures!

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