Uranus conjunct Sun transit

Transit Uranus Conjunct the Sun

Transit Uranus conjunct the Sun in a natal chart is considered a significant and rare transit – generally happening only once in a lifetime!

The Sun represents your core identity, ego, and vitality. It represents the essence of who you are and what drives you. Sometimes, it can symbolize the men in your life – most frequently the husband /male partner or father/father figure. Authority figures (whether male or female) are also ruled by the Sun.

Uranus, on the other hand, is associated with sudden changes, rebellion, liberation, innovation, and awakening. When these two energies come together in a conjunction, it can have profound effects on your life and personal self-expression.

Here are just a few potential themes for Transit Uranus Conjunct the Sun:

  1. Liberation: This transit can bring a strong desire for personal freedom and liberation from any sort of restrictions or limitations that have been holding you back. You may feel an intense urge to break free from old patterns, routines, or societal expectations. Leaving a dead-end job (or one that is otherwise stifling or stale) is a strong possibility. There can be a re-arranging of priorities in which you choose to let go of what no longer serves you to make room for the things that “light you up”.
  2. Individuality and Uniqueness: During this transit, you might experience a surge in individualism and a need to express your unique qualities more audaciously! You may embrace your eccentricities and feel more comfortable being your true self. If you’ve always preferred to “blend in with the crowd” – now is the time that you will feel more comfortable “standing out”. You will not want to compromise your authenticity for the safety of “fitting in”.
  3. Rebellion and Nonconformity: With Uranus’ influence, you may rebel against authority figures or cultural expectations that you feel are oppressive or limiting. You will want to live life on your terms. Having to answer to someone else may feel awful – perhaps even downright painful! Some going through this transit might have a strong desire to live out their ideals and dedicate themselves to some revolutionary social cause. Others could quit their day jobs and pursue something that gives them more freedom.
  4. Electric Energy and Restlessness: You may experience a surge of restless energy during this transit, making it harder to stick to your routines. There could be an interesting new sleeping pattern. Maybe you’re used to getting a full 8 hours, uninterrupted. Suddenly, you’re waking up 2 hours in, staying up for 2 hours, and sleeping for another 2. There may also be an “electric” feeling in your body – or the feeling that your “on-switch” is just stuck in the “on” position even when you’d prefer for it to be “off”. You could feel as if you’ve had too much caffeine – even if you don’t consume it! Under Sun-Uranus transits, it can be really difficult to just relax.
  5. Embracing Change: Uranus conjunct with the Sun can act as an invitation to accept change and innovation in your life. You may feel compelled to step out of your comfort zone and partake in new activities. You could become more spontaneous as well! As an introverted homebody currently going through this transit, I’m finding myself more inclined to accept social invites and otherwise get out of the house, for instance.
  6. Awakening and Insights: Uranus is associated with higher knowledge and sudden insights. This conjunction may provide you with flashes of inspiration and new perspectives, leading to personal growth and self-awareness. This transit might pass by without you even noticing the changes that are taking place within you. Years later, you might look back on this time as a turning point in your psyche
  7. Sudden Changes and Surprises: Uranus is known for its unpredictable nature, so this transit could bring unexpected changes or events into your life. If you’re not out there initiating changes, “the universe” will probably rearrange your life for you. And – even if you are going out of your way to appease “The God of Change” and doing this new thing, and that new thing….something could still come out of the blue and turn your life upside down. Maybe it’s what you need – or maybe it will hurt like hell. Too frequently, I see astrologers and others in the spiritual community say trite things about pain being a teacher. And yes, it absolutely can be. But if you tell a mother who has just lost her child in a tragic accident that it happened for her “highest good”, you’re kind of an asshole. Uranus transits can be full of positive potential – but they can also bring grievous situations from out of left field. These are the accidents, and the things you could have never foreseen coming. I’m not saying this to make anyone feel fearful. But to ignore this facet of Uranus is to bury one’s head in the sand.

I am one of those people who feel it’s always best to be prepared. “To be forewarned is to be forearmed”. With Uranus transits, it can be really hard to predict what’s around the next corner. Having gone through 2 transiting Uranus conjunctions to inner planets in recent years, and going through Uranus conjunct the Sun right now, my philosophy on being prepared for any Uranus transit is to expect the worst. Consider the possibility that everything you love can be ripped out from under you in an instant…and appreciate the hell out of what you have while you still have it.

It’s actually pretty life-affirming if you let that linger in the back of your mind without becoming obsessed with it. So my advice here is to think of the negative possibilities without dwelling and dwell on the positive potentials without acting foolishly!

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