Transit Sun trine Neptune

Sun trine Neptune is an aspect that implies a creative and harmonious connection between our individuality, energy, and purpose (Sun) and our spiritual side, creativity, and imagination (Neptune). This aspect heightens our sensitivity to the feelings of others and helps us to make decisions based on our intuition. We may feel more spiritual, imaginative, and inspired during this time.  

We may also receive spiritual guidance and inspiration from the men in our lives (or authority figures of any gender).

sun trine neptune transit

Our empathy and compassion for others may expand, and we may feel compelled to support humanitarian causes. Volunteer groups and charities may make the news or run successful campaigns during this transit.  

Sun trine Neptune is also an excellent time to use creative visualization and other techniques to manifest hopes and dreams. We have a greater sense of beauty and form, and a clearer inner vision.

We may become more psychically sensitive, and attuned to the subtle signs and synchronicities that we might ordinarily brush off. Our dreams can be more vivid and perhaps premonitory!

We can enjoy a deeper and more meaningful bond with our dearest friends and other loved ones. Marriages and dating relationships can benefit as we may feel more romantic and connected.

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