In the last week, the Sun and Saturn teamed up to conjunct my descendant.
Many people fear that Saturn on the Descendant will herald a terrible breakup or divorce…well, I’m here to tell you, that did not happen here! No relationship problems to speak of. In fact, it’s been pretty smooth sailing lately.
This is not to say that Saturn transiting the 7th house won’t be an issue for my relationships later down the road. With the other transits coming up for me, it’s certainly not outside the realm of possibility. But the exact conjunction brought up nothing related to partnerships.
However, it did bring something; Health issues.
Saturn conjunct the Descendant in action
On Feb 13th, understaffing at work meant a longer day. My job isn’t terribly physically demanding, but it does cause a lot of wear and tear from repetitive motion. Not good for the joints (Joints, ligaments bones, =Saturn). I was pretty sore when I returned home 14 hours after my work day started…
On Feb 14th, I hadn’t had nearly enough sleep to deal with another understaffed day….but what choice did I have? On this day, I had to work outside in the cold and ended up spilling a container filled with icy water down my sleeve. Shortly after this, I was nearly run over by other workers pushing a cart and then I got my period. I was beyond sore…and the cold had seeped into my bones. It was another wretched 12-hour day.
On the 15th, I felt like I had been hit by a truck. I wanted so badly to just call in, and use my sick time to recover from the previous 2 days…. and from the “curse” of being female. But, I assumed that just like every other day, we would be too understaffed for me to take that luxury.
I trudged along miserably, popping Naproxens like candy… with zero effect. A conversation with a co-worker distracted me from the pain for a brief time. Too brief really. And then my stomach started “acting up”. It felt like my intestines were twisted in knots. Every step I took sent ripples of pain and nausea up into my sternum. Every time I had to stoop and bend, I felt like I might throw up.
8 hours into the day, I had had enough and requested to go home.
I spent the rest of the day sleeping and slept some more the next day.
That’s my personal experience of transit Saturn conjunct the Descendant.
The Ascendant is the physical body. Transit Saturn in a harsh aspect to the Ascendant will weaken one’s vitality. Saturn also is the “enemy” of the Sun – harsh transits to the Sun from Saturn will have the same “weakening” effect upon one’s energy.

Look at where the transit Sun is….it’s conjunct to Saturn, in Saturn’s sign. Saturn clearly has the upper hand in this conjunction. Interestingly, the onset of my physical fragility started when the transit Sun was square to my natal Saturn. Transit Sun was in Saturn’s domain…being in Aquarius. I believe that the Sun acted as a “trigger” to the Saturn square Saturn transit that I’ve been dealing with off and on for the past year or so. I spoke a little about this in a previous post.
Anyway, a conjunction with the Descendant doesn’t necessarily mean that relationships will be center-stage. It can also be read as an opposition to the Ascendant and what the Ascendant represents. And even if it’s an outer planet transit, it doesn’t necessarily mean that if an event occurs it will be particularly significant. To the best of my knowledge, 3 days of physical discomfort hasn’t made a drastic impact on my life. Without writing it here, I will not remember 5 years from now, “Oh February 15th, 2023….on that date I wasn’t feeling well”.
What might have made this more memorable as a transit is an additional transit planet in a harsh aspect to the Descendent and transiting Saturn. Theoretically, if Mars had been at 27 degrees Taurus, this could have had a much more potent, and memorable effect.
Multiple transits to a time lord
Another thing to keep in mind when dealing with transits is timelords.
This year I have Mercury as my profected 2nd house ruler. Transit Pluto has been squaring my natal Mercury for some time…but, when transit Mars conjuncted natal Mercury and squared transit Pluto I had a terrible experience at my workplace. I was hastily scheduled to supervise 2 different accounts that I had zero experience with and was severely understaffed for both. I had no time to prepare myself and despite my best efforts to “fake it til you make it” the clients were very unhappy and left negative reviews. I felt as though I had been deliberately thrown to the wolves by my boss – whom I had thought of as a friend. I was hurt and felt absolutely humiliated and demoralized. And I was certain that the whole debacle would either get me fired, demoted, or prevent me from receiving the raise that I had been working so hard towards. This date is one that is burned into the memory bank. I believe it’s due to having 2 different transits operating upon the same natal planet — which also happened to be a time lord.
To wrap up, Saturn conjunct the descendent doesn’t necessarily spell t-r-o-u-b-l-e for your relationships. Look to other transits before jumping to that conclusion!