Tina Turner had her fair share of challenges – most notably an abusive husband (which can be seen in that T-square between her Sun, Moon, and Mars). But today, I’d like to make a brief post focusing on her success.
The first thing that jumped out at me when scrutinizing her chart is her grand trine between Sun, Jupiter, and Pluto. What a great combo!
Sun=One’s essence, one’s ego, one’s vitality.
Jupiter = Expansion, growth. It is dignified by being in its domicile in Pisces. When a planet is dignified it “feels comfortable” in the sign it is in.
Pluto = Power. Pluto literally means “wealth, riches” in Ancient Greek
Sun=the Ascendant Ruler. Ascendant = one’s image, one’s body
With a grand trine, all of the planets involved work harmoniously together. With this particular combination, you can usually expect to see financial abundance. Jupiter-Pluto in particular denotes “big money”.
With the Ascendant ruler involved, the acquisition of wealth will more likely than not have something to do with the person’s image or body. Tina Turner’s good looks and sensual (and perhaps provocative) performances certainly contributed to her success.
The other thing that stood out for me, as far as success is concerned, is Venus.
It is the ruler of her Midheaven (career, reputation, ambitions) as well as her 3rd House (communication, speech, voice)
Venus “rejoices” in the 5th house – a creative house – and Venus is associated with vocalists!
Venus is connected to her grand trine by a square to Jupiter. Venus-Jupiter hard aspects are some of the least problematic. They can incline one to excess – but because they are both “benefic” planets, the square can also promote good fortune. With Venus in Jupiter’s sign (Sagittarius) and Jupiter in the sign of Venus’ exaltation, the square between them is even less likely to cause problems. The 2 planets “understand” each other.
Venus is stabilized by its trine to Saturn. This aspect tends to encourage dedication to Venusian matters. If you want the reward (Venus), you have to work for it (Saturn).
One final point: Mercury, the 2nd house ruler is conjunct the Sun.
2nd house shows one’s income. Interestingly, Mercury and the 2nd house also rule the vocal cords. Normally I keep my orbs small, but due to the conjunction with the Sun, I would consider Mercury part of the Sun-Jupiter-Pluto grand trine as well.

The post also discusses the significance of Venus, which is associated with vocalists, and is connected to the grand trine by a square to Jupiter. Additionally, the post notes the role of Mercury, ruler of the 2nd house of income, in the Sun-Jupiter-Pluto grand trine, as it is conjunct the Sun and rules the vocal cords.