Last night, I watched the episode about Beverly Allitt on The World’s Most Evil Killers and was compelled to pull up her birth chart. It is crazy-interesting, so of course I had to come here and write a “quickie” post on it.

For those who don’t know who Beverly Allitt is, she was a baby-murdering English nurse who killed 4 children in 1991. During a brief span of just three months, nine other children in her care suffered harm. Some have speculated that she may have had Munchausen’s syndrome. Prior to becoming a nurse, she was in and out of the hospital for various personal health complaints.
The first thing I wanted to look at was Virgo and the 6th house as both govern health.
The Chart

Saturn is in its Fall in Aries – in her 6th house.
At 22 degrees!
Mars – the planet ruling her 6th (and first!) house is in Virgo and it has its Antiscia directly on Saturn!

Mars-Saturn is notorious for harmful/destructive energy.
This is a really clear-cut indication of “danger to health”
But it doesn’t end there!
Finger of Fate
Saturn is also at the apex of Yod – also known as “the finger of fate”. Yods essentially draw special attention to the planet at the apex.

Jupiter and Pluto are conjunct to each other and quincunx Saturn.
Jupiter-Pluto conjunctions can be associated with a hunger for power. Quincunx to Saturn, we could say that such a person has feelings of powerlessness, and goes about “empowering” themselves in an inefficient or roundabout way.
Neptune’s Quincunx to Saturn can show health issues that are hard to diagnose. In Beverly Allitt’s case, her personal health issues were likely “manufactured”. Neptune is associated with confusion and deception. Note also that Neptune is closely conjunct to Ceres – a “planet” of grief on the one hand, and nurturing on the other.
Back to the yod: If we were to look at it as a midpoint picture we have:
Jupiter/Neptune= Saturn: Experiencing a lack of self-assurance and a sense that luck isn’t favoring us. Facing disappointments, setbacks, and outcomes that fall short of our expectations and hopes.
Neptune/Pluto= Saturn: Pessimism, self torment, and the decline of one’s personal power.
Another Fallen Planet
The Sun is “Fallen” in Libra while conjunct to the South Node. South Node conjunctions can also have a disempowering effect. Note that the Sun is right on the cusp of the 12th house – governing hospitals, “self-undoing”, and the unknown enemy.

Her “exiled” and disempowered Sun is the ruler of the Midheaven = Career/Reputation
Chiron (popularly known as “the Wounded Healer”) is in the 5th house of Children and is being opposed by Uranus. Uranus can show sudden events. As the modern ruler of the 4th House, it can also indicate endings. Chiron and Uranus are both at 0 degrees of Cardinal signs. These degrees are critical degrees that are known as the Aries Point. In an individual’s birth chart, the presence of planets at the Aries Point (AP) is thought to signify that the person or their actions could potentially have a broader impact on the world. Those with planets on the Aries Point might achieve fame, whether for positive or negative reasons.
Finicky Mars opposing a Sensitive Moon
Mars – the 6th house Ruler – is widely opposing the Moon.
Mars is aggressive – and in a sign related strongly to health and hygiene.
The Moon can show one’s own emotions and instincts.
Because the moon is generally thought to be passive/receptive. It can sometimes indicate people in one’s environment who are vulnerable. Moon is conjunct the 5h house cusp – again indicating children.
Here, we have “aggressive instincts” directed towards the vulnerable children in her care.
Mercury RX on the Ascendant
One more interesting thing is Mercury retrograde on the Scorpio Ascendant. Scorpio and the 8th house have an affinity. The 8th House is related to death and that which is hidden.
Beverly Allitt has Gemini (ruled by Mercury) intercepted in the 8th.
When a sign is intercepted, its associated planet is the hidden co-ruler of the house it is intercepted in. It’s fitting that the 8th house’s co-ruler would be conjunct to the Ascendant.
We could say that it is reflective of “The Angel of Death” (as she would come to be known) hiding in plain sight.
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