The Astrology of Multi-Billionaires; Extreme Wealth in the Natal Chart

Last night, I decided to do a quick test of some wealth indicators in astrology.

One of the most renowned is Jupiter in aspect to Pluto.

Jupiter is hailed as “the greater benefic” and is generally thought to bring fortune. Jupiter is also expansive.

Pluto is associated with banking and finance and actually means wealth:

“from Latin Pluto, Pluton, from Greek Ploutōn “god of wealth,” from ploutos “wealth, riches,” probably originally “overflowing,” from PIE root *pleu-“to flow.”

So taken together, Jupiter in aspect to Pluto can mean an expansion of wealth.

I took a look at the Forbes 400 and went on to look up the charts. I went in order and only skipped over those who did NOT have chart information on Astro-seek. What I found was actually pretty interesting.

9 out of 14 had Jupiter in aspect to Pluto. I used a maximum orb of 7 degrees – but most of them had close aspects. Trines and conjunctions were the most common. I used the Ptolemaic aspects as well as the Parallel and Contra-Parallel.

I used a control group of 14 of my friends, acquaintances, and family members — none of whom are wealthy. I went alphabetically through the list, and only skipped people under the age of 30. Of this list, only 2 out of 14 had a Jupiter-Pluto aspect. One was a Contra-Parallel. The other was an opposition with a wide orb of 6 degrees.

So there may be something to it!

65% of multi-billionaires have a Jupiter-Pluto aspect, whereas only 15% of ordinary earners have one.

I hope to explore this further at some point in the near future with more controls and a larger database. But for now, I think it’s fair to say that there’s a correlation between Jupiter-Pluto aspects and wealth — particularly with the trine and conjunction.

Fixed Star Conjunctions and wealth

The second thing I looked at wasn’t quite as promising as far as indicators of wealth go.

I looked for fixed star conjunctions – natal planets conjunct to a fixed star that is associated with wealth. I did not include any of the angles, or anything calculated based on the angles. Most of these billionaires do not have a birth time published on astro-seek.

I eliminated Saturn due to its nature of restriction and did not use any of the asteroids

11 out of the 14 had a fixed star conjunction – or roughly 80%

The reason I say this isn’t particularly promising is because 8 out of 14 “normal” people also had fixed star conjunctions. This is about 57%

There were 14 fixed star conjunctions among the billionaires (a couple having more than one planet conjunct a fixed star)

There were 10 instances of fixed star conjunctions among ordinary people (a couple having more than one planet conjunct)

Among the billionaires, Regulus was the most popular.

Antares was found most often in the charts of ordinary people.

Conjunctions to Acamar were not found at all.

Rigel, Capella, and Spica were only found among billionaires

Tolimon was only found among ordinary people.

Another thing to note – most frequently in the charts of billionaires, the Sun and Jupiter were the planets conjunct to a fixed star. The Sun was the conjunction planet 4 times, and Jupiter 3 times.

For ordinary people, Mercury showed up the most – 3 times. The Sun was the conjunction planet once, and Jupiter didn’t show up at all.

Based upon this limited data, I would say that Sun or Jupiter conjunct with a fixed star is a fairly good indication of wealth. If the fixed star happens to be Regulus – even better!

3 thoughts on “The Astrology of Multi-Billionaires; Extreme Wealth in the Natal Chart”

  1. Pingback: Publicity in the Transit Chart: Chris Rock - Old Sol Astrology

  2. Pingback: Transits and Progressions to the Sun/Jupiter Midpoint: Luck & Success - Old Sol Astrology

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