Lilith and Jupiter

The Astonishing Connection of Jupiter and Lilith to Murder

A few days ago, I was doing research for this blog’s Midpoints series. I’ve been working on Sun/Pluto activations and decided to look at the chart of a friend who was murdered a few years back. As it turns out, he had natal Neptune conjunct his Sun/Pluto midpoint. But something else caught my attention: at the time of his murder, Transit Lilith (mean Lilith, to be precise) was conjunct this midpoint.

Now in the past, I had made a mental note of Lilith showing up in charts where there was either a tragedy or a severe illness. So upon seeing this, I decided to poke around a bit more and am pretty stunned at what I have found.

I looked at the charts of 6 victims of homicide and 1 suicide. EVERY SINGLE ONE had Lilith connected to Jupiter in a tight aspect at the time of their death. 4 of these people had a tight aspect between Lilith and Jupiter natally. Out of the remaining charts, 1 had Neptune conjunct Lilith (natal), and 1 had Neptune opposing Lilith (natal). This is one of those things that convinces me that Astrology is worthy of study. The orbs are tight (no greater than 2*) and these are the ONLY charts I’ve looked at, so I’m definitely not “cherry picking”!

Jupiter and Lilith

Everyone who knows anything about astrology knows that Jupiter is “the greater benefic”. It’s supposed to be a “blessing” in the astrology chart. Frequently, this is true enough. But sometimes, Jupiter “misbehaves”.

Jupiter is an expansive energy. Sometimes it expands too far…or in ways that are not beneficial.

Lilith is known primarily as the “wild woman” archetype. Lilith represents anger, rage, and vengeance.

Jupiter in aspect to Lilith is likely to enhance or embolden the qualities of Lilith.

The Lilith used in all of these charts is the mean Black Moon. Other astrologers have asserted that “True Lilith” is the only one that has any significance. While this has always made sense to me, and I typically only use “True” positions for the mathematically derived points, my findings here fly in the face of the declaration that only “True Lilith” should be used. Of course, the research into this should be ongoing…

#1) My friend: Murdered by his brother-in-law.

I don’t have a birth time so I’m using a Sunrise chart with Equal Houses.

Lilith sextile Jupiter. Lilith conjunct Jupiter. Lilith aspects

Transit Jupiter is at 14* Libra conjunct his natal Pluto (Natal Pluto is on his Saturn/Neptune midpoint)

Transit Jupiter is sextile to Transit Lilith at 15* Sagittarius

Transit Lilith is conjunct to Natal Neptune and Sun/Pluto midpoint

Transiting Jupiter/Lilith Midpoint opposes Natal Sun/Saturn

My friend had a tight conjunction of Lilith and Jupiter in his birthchart with both objects at 21 degrees Taurus

#2) Sharon Tate: Murdered while nearly 9months pregnant by the Manson Family

Rodden Rating: AA

Lilith conjunct jupiter. Birth chart of sharon tate

Fairly tight natal conjunction of Lilith and Jupiter in the 12th house, close to the Ascendant.

Transit Lilith is exactly conjunct to natal Lilith (along with transit Vesta)

#3) Dimebag Darrell: Shot onstage by a deranged “fan”

Birth time unknown. Sunrise/equal houses

Birthchart of Dimebag Darrell. Lilith square Jupiter. Jupiter/Lilith Midpoint

Transit Lilith at 14* Cancer is square to Transit Jupiter at 14* Libra.

Natal Lilith is at 15* Pisces

Transit Lilith trine to natal Lilith

Transit Jupiter inconjunct natal Lilith

His natal Jupiter/Lilith midpoint is at 19* – right on the North Node, and opposing natal Neptune. Look at where transit Venus/Mars is….right on his Neptune (and South Node)

#4)Nancy Spungen: Murdered by her boyfriend….or a drug dealer….or a stand-up comic? We may never know for sure.

Rodden Rating: B (Mother’s biography And I Don’t Want to Live this Life)

Lilith on Aries Point. Transits of Lilith

Transit Lilith at 29* is in an out-of-sign square with Natal Jupiter at 1*Scorpio. Despite being an “out of sign” square, it’s still a tight aspect.

Jupiter is also conjunct her North Node and Neptune.

Transit Lilith is widely conjunct to Transit Jupiter.

Natal Lilith is on the Aries Point (no big surprise there!) and inconjunct natal Jupiter. Both objects (Lilith and Jupiter) are in Mars-ruled signs.

Natal Mars is opposing her Jupiter/Lilith Midpoint

The transiting Jupiter/Lilith Midpoint is opposing Venus (her 8th house ruler) and square to Neptune, Node, and Jupiter in the 8th.

#5) Melissa Benoit: 13-year-old abducted, raped, murdered, and buried in the basement by her Bible-school instructing neighbor.

Natal Jupiter/Lilith midpoint is on the Descendant

Lilith square Vesta, Lilith opposite Neptune

At the time of her murder:

Transit Lilith and Transit Jupiter are in an exact trine aspect. Transit Lilith is opposite Transit Mars

Transit Jupiter/Lilith midpoint is at 5* Libra square to Transit Uranus.

Transit Lilith is inconjunct her Natal Chiron.

Many tight aspects are formed as there are several planets and points at 4, 5, and 6 degrees.

#6) JFK: Assassinated

This one is kind of crazy!

Natal T-Square between Lilith, Jupiter, and Uranus in fixed signs.

Lilith conjunct Pallas at 22* Leo

Transit Jupiter/Lilith midpoint opposite his natal Neptune

Transit Lilith at 24* Scorpio opposite Natal Jupiter at 23* Taurus

#7) Wendy O Williams: Suicide

I wasn’t sure whether to include Wendy O. Williams since she took her own life. But “killing is killing” and the Lilith archetype of anger, rebellion, and “the wild woman” fits. In her suicide note, she demonstrates her “rebellious” individualism:

I don’t believe that people should take their own lives without deep and thoughtful reflection over a considerable period of time. I do believe strongly, however, that the right to do so is one of the most fundamental rights that anyone in a free society should have. 

-Wendy O Williams

Natal Lilith and Jupiter in sextile aspect

Transit Lilith inconjunct Transit Jupiter and Pallas

Transit Lilith trine Transit Uranus

Transit Lilith conjunct natal Neptune

Transiting Jupiter/Lilith midpoint opposite her Juno/Uranus conjunction


This is a very small sampling of charts. The thing that makes it extraordinary is that I didn’t look at any other charts. The Lilith-Jupiter signature here is undeniable. I hope to come back to this topic in a future post with a larger sample. Maybe in spreadsheet form.

2 thoughts on “The Astonishing Connection of Jupiter and Lilith to Murder”

  1. Pingback: New Research into Jupiter-Lilith Aspects - Old Sol Astrology

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