The 9 Biggest Astrology Events of 2024

The Astrology of 2024:

In 2024, the Winds of Change are howling– and there is bound to be resistance. To say that we’re in for a wild ride is an understatement! BUT, this year pales in comparison to 2025 and beyond. It is my personal belief that 2024 will only mark the beginning of a new era. Don’t expect to see events unfold neatly on the dates given. These transits span over larger “chunks” of time…the dates here are simply when the “aspect” or ingress is exact.

This list is laid out in chronological order, rather than order of impact. In my opinion, it’s usually the eclipses that have the most immediate, tangible impact on both an individual and collective level.

There are many, many, (many!) more “big” transits that will occur throughout the year, but this list is narrowed down to the nine “events” that I think might pack the biggest punch.

1.) Pluto’s entrance into Aquarius on January 20th.

Pluto into Aquarius is kind of a big deal for various reasons. Chief among them is the length of time Pluto will spend here: Nearly 20 years!

It takes approximately 245 years for Pluto to transit through the entire Zodiac. So, minus its brief “toe dip” in 2023, it’s been roughly 228 years since Pluto was last in Aquarius!

Pluto cycle. Time Pluto spends in the signs

Also, unique to the signs of Cancer/Leo, and Capricorn/Aquarius, Pluto goes “Out of Bounds“.

The last time Pluto was Out of Bounds was from 1938-1953, while in Cancer-Leo. Prior to this, it was out of bounds in Capricorn-Aquarius in….1774-1796! This time around, Pluto will venture Out of Bounds in August 2025 at 1 degree Aquarius.

As for this coming year — 2024 — I think we will start to see some really interesting (and possibly frightening) developments. When a planet first enters a sign, it is eager to express itself — despite its “inexperience”. It can be likened to “the Fool” in Tarot.

Pluto as “the Fool” is really no laughing matter!

Pluto is a fearful planet — it represents destruction of the old to make way for the new. Transformation is necessary in life — but for most of us, change is scary. During the time Pluto is at 0 degrees, we could see more of its destructive side than its “transforming” side — especially because Pluto will retrograde back to the anaretic 29th degree of Capricorn in September. The first and last degrees of a sign are where a lot of action happens. I will expound upon this later under the Neptune section.

…. but I’m hopeful (as always!) for positive developments to make their mark in the first half of this year.

With the Sun entering Aquarius on the same day that Pluto does, a “spotlight” is being shone on Pluto’s transformative power.

Here’s a brief look at Pluto’s past ingresses:

In 2008 when Pluto was at 0 degrees Capricorn, we had the Great Recession.

1995 — Pluto was at 0 degrees Sagittarius — this marked the beginning of home internet and the “Information Age”

In 1983-1984 when Pluto was at 0 degrees Scorpio, there was a growing awareness of HIV/AIDS, and the McMartin preschool trial of 1983 sparked a “Satanic Panic”

In March and April 1972 while Pluto was at 0 degrees Libra, there were a number of treaties and agreements between countries — most notable, the US and Soviet Union signed an agreement banning biological warfare.

Whatever may arise, Pluto in Aquarius should prove that we’re “living in interesting times” — if history is any indication. Aquarius is associated with both individualism and “the collective”. It is an innovative sign with an affinity for technology…and rebellion! Being of fixed air, Pluto’s presence is indicative of truly transformative ideas that are “here to stay”.

(More on Pluto in Aquarius and Pluto Out of Bounds in an upcoming post!)

Bonus Item) Chinese New Year: February 10th. Marks the beginning of a Wood Dragon Year!

chinese new year 2024 astrology

I decided to add Chinese New Year as a bonus. I can’t say that I know very much about Chinese Astrology, but I was certainly curious about what the Year of the Wood Dragon portends. Using Bing Chat, I looked it up and it appears to “echo” some of the themes of this year according to Western Astrology, so I thought I should include it!

The Year of the Wood Dragon is marked by unique characteristics and influences that can be expected to impact the world at large:

  1. Resilience, Revolutionary Growth, and Vigor: The Wood Dragon year is marked by resilience, revolutionary growth, and vigor. It brings a unique blend of stability from its Wood element and the boldness of the Dragon.
  2. Quick Growth and Development: The element Wood is like a plant growing in springtime, making this Wood year a time for quick growth and development. There can be sudden breakthroughs and fast changes of fortune
  3. Strength, Adaptability, and Inventiveness: The Wood Dragon, when aligned with Feng Shui, represents strength, adaptability, and inventiveness. Individuals may experience increased creativity and bravery
  4. Significant Changes and Innovative Ideas: This year is expected to be marked by significant changes, innovative ideas, and the pursuit of dreams with unwavering determination.
  5. Nurturing and Supportive Energy: Wood Dragons naturally nurture and offer support to those in their surroundings This nurturing energy could potentially influence the overall atmosphere of the year.
  6. Leadership and Diplomacy: Wood Dragons have a natural leadership quality and can inspire others enthusiastically. They’re skilled at handling tricky situations and finding peaceful resolutions. This could potentially lead to a year marked by strong leadership and diplomatic resolutions.


2.) The March 25th Lunar Eclipse at 5*07 Libra

2024 astrology libra lunar eclipse

March Lunar Eclipse at 5 degrees Libra

8 North Saros Series:

According to Bernadette Brady, this series is characterized by innovation, sudden sparks of brilliance, intuitive breakthroughs, enlightening visions, and creative ideas. Dreams can also be more vivid. However, this inspiration may lead to a sense of detachment from social interactions and family life. There can be a strong urge to break away and just be free.

The eclipse’s closest aspects are the Moon’s sesquiquadrate with Uranus and the Sun’s semi-square with Uranus.

These aspects suggest the presence of tension and frustration, and “echoes” Saros 8 North’s general theme. There’s a desire for excitement or a change of some kind – but the path to realizing it remains unclear.

The dilemma is essentially, “How can I have excitement without sacrificing comfort and security?”

Sun = near midpoint of Mercury and Venus:

Moon = far midpoint of Mercury and Venus

Sun and Moon on the Mercury/Venus midpoint suggests using charm to get what one wants. Thoughts are likely focused on sex, love, and attraction.

This appears to be a good eclipse for stimulating people into new relationships – or new ways of being in relationships. How are you showing up in your partnership? Are you stuck in a rut? Is there something you could be doing differently in your romantic life? These are the questions that may arise for people affected by this eclipse.

3.) Solar Eclipse on April 8th at 19*24 Aries

2024 astrology great american solar eclipse in aries

The Solar Eclipse occurring on April 8th 2024 has been dubbed “the Great American Solar Eclipse” as it will be visible across the entirety of North America.

Occurring at 19 degrees Aries, this eclipse is ruled by Mars. Mars-ruled eclipses indicate events that happen fast.

As you can see in the chart above, Mars is closely conjunct to Saturn. This is generally a difficult aspect which is sometimes associated with blockages, frustration and violence. More positively Saturn can restrain Mars from acting too impulsively and provide Mars with the discipline it needs to reach its objectives.

I might expect for events to occur more slowly than with a “typical” Aries eclipse due to Mars’ conjunction with Saturn.

Because this eclipse is connected to the North Node, we can see an increase in Aries-ruled things, and a decrease in Libran things.

In a natal chart, you might expect more courage, more physical energy, and strategic ambition (Mars=ambition, Saturn=strategy, the long game). Older men may enter our lives or make an impact in some way. This is a good time for starting new projects or endeavors as well. There is a great potential for ingenuity, and enthusiasm for one’s new ideas.

From a mundane perspective, this eclipse can show a “cutting apart” of alliances in favor of “going one’s own way”. Mars=cutting, Saturn=distancing. Alliances are associated with Libra, which is where the South Node is. The South Node can diminish whatever it comes into contact with.

For the sake of brevity here, I will do a full analysis in a separate article. This eclipse truly deserves a “write up” of its own.

(A couple of months ago, I was having some intense and pre-cognitive dreams. I had one dream in particular that I think might link to this particular eclipse. I will (probably) share the dream in an upcoming post. To be perfectly honest, it was a little bit jarring, so I’ve been reticent about sharing it.)

4.) Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction on April 20th

Aside from the eclipses, I believe the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction on April 20th may be the most important transit of this year — and for the most part, this is a “nice” one!!

Historically, this conjunction has been associated with inventions, scientific discoveries, land expansions, and “uprisings” of the people.

It seems that many inventors/innovators, scientists, occultists, and activists have been born under the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction — Helena Blavatsky, Jack Parsons, Max Planck, John Frawley, and Steve Jobs are just a couple of the more famous names.

Most frequently Jupiter-Uranus conjunctions are associated with a sudden turn of events, “right in the knick of time.”

On a personal level…

As a 20-degree Taurus Sun (and MC too!) I’m really looking forward to this transit! I may have mentioned elsewhere that 2022 was a difficult year for me — with Transit Saturn conjunct the Moon and square my Sun/MC? Saturn’s transit through Aquarius also opposed my Ascendant and Squared my natal Saturn that year as all of my fixed placements are in the 3rd decan. It was so bad and demoralizing, that I took as much time off from my job as I possibly could in 2023 to “recover.”

In 2024 I’m ready for something good! I’m sure that many of you with important planets (and angles) in fixed signs can relate!

Some of us may have exceptionally good luck at this time, dependent upon the house this falls in, and any other configurations it may make. Not everyone will win the lotto — although, wouldn’t that be nice?! I’m talking about luck of other sorts.

Jupiter conjunct Uranus is a time when we can have epiphanies! We can suddenly come up with the solution to any problems we’ve been having and really turn our lives around! Out of the blue, we have inspiration — perhaps after a long period of just going through the motions. Maybe it’s a person who inspires us. We can have chance meetings with beneficial people. Maybe the people you meet are a brief influence — but they lead you toward “the light”

Both planets have an association with the concept of “freedom”. When they come together, it can be like a sudden release from bondage. We can finally liberate ourselves from restrictive situations. Perhaps we go through an awakening of sorts which allows us to see our predicaments from a broader perspective.

On a collective level, shifts in consciousness and innovative ideas can enrich our lives. If you’re familiar with the myth of Prometheus stealing fire, Jupiter-Uranus is kind of like that.

This is what I’m most excited for.

A 14 Year Period

Jupiter-Uranus conjunctions happen roughly every 14 years. So we can look at the chart for this conjunction the same way we might look at a Return chart. With a solar return, the chart is read for a one year period. For a Saturn Return, the chart is read for an (approximate) 28 year period. With the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction chart, the types of innovations, discoveries, and awakenings will carry a Taurus theme for the next 14 years.

Taurus represents our physical, material reality. It represents stability and security. It is resistant to change, but when changes are made, they are made on a solid foundation.

Uranus in Taurus has evoked fear of “the digital dollar”. There is fear over AI decimating our jobs (security). We’ve been told “You will own nothing and be happy” — so believe me, I’m not ignorant of the dark side of Uranus in Taurus (or Pluto in Aquarius for that matter!!)

However, there is reason for hope!

Jupiter joining with Uranus can disrupt our attachment to outdated structures and values, encouraging us to embrace new possibilities. We don’t necessarily have to go along with the plans of “The Elites“, but it is clear that we are in dire need of changes to our infrastructure, ways of doing business and the way we are treating Our Earth. Jupiter conjunct Uranus can bless us with a new vision. One that is both sustainable (fixed earth) and beautiful (Venus rules over Taurus).

Think on this: “The powers that be” allegedly want to trap us in the cities. I know that I don’t like the idea. BUT, what if we redesign our cities? What if we tear down the Brutalist architecture? What if we replace those dull, lifeless buildings with beautiful, strong structures with natural elements? What if we use Hempcrete rather than asphalt? What if we incorporate more trees and gardens? Cities of the future needn’t be bleak, claustrophobic, and dystopic….

Considering that this 14 year cycle coincides with Pluto in Aquarius, perhaps we can finally blend collectivism with individualism?

The Jupiter-Uranus conjunction also carries a spiritual “flavor” through its supportive sextile from Mars in Pisces, as well as its Sabian Symbol: A WHITE DOVE FLYING OVER TROUBLED WATERS.

This symbol represents peace and hope (the white dove) emerging from a situation of chaos or uncertainty (troubled waters).

In any case, I’m excited and optimistic for the positive potentials of this transit!

5.) Jupiter moves into Gemini on May 25th…and Trines Pluto on June 2nd

Jupiter spends roughly a year in each sign, taking about 12 years to make its way through the entire Zodiac.

The last time Jupiter was in Gemini was between June 2012-June 2013.

With Jupiter in Gemini, we can expect an abundance of “twin” or “double” events…or things that come in twos.

Based on where we are right now, we will very likely see something related to a “2 state solution” with Israel and Palestine. There is a strong possibility of the US being split in 2. And we will possibly see other land-divisions as well. I don’t want to get too detailed about the GeoPolitical potentials of Jupiter in Gemini in 2024 for this post. But would like to point out some “2” events from the past…

For 2012-2013:

  • There were 2 significant Nasa events, back-to-back. On August 5th, Voyager 1 becomes the first man-made object to enter interstellar space. On August 6th, the Curiosity Rover lands on Mars.
  • Two different “Sandy” events within a month and a half of each other: Hurricane Sandy and the shooting at Sandy Hook elementary school
  • Barack Obama is elected for a 2nd term.
  • Boston Marathon bombing implicates 2 brothers — with 2 pressure cooker bombs.
  • Uruguay becomes the first South American country to legalize same sex marriage.
  • 2 fashion designers operating under their 2 last names are found guilty of tax evasion (Dolce and Gabbana)
  • The US Supreme Court made two major rulings on same-sex marriage in 2013. The first legalized federal benefits for same-sex couples. The second, while not overturning California’s ban, paved the way for lower courts to strike down similar bans in other states.

Back to 2024, some other things that we might see with Jupiter in Gemini:
  • An increase in communication, debates, and short distance travel — as well as an increase of problems with these things. There could be big problems stemming from roadways as well as our access to communication technology. There may be more roadwork than usual and “blackouts” involving cellphones and the internet.
  • There could be a greater interest in education and lectures. People could feel more compelled to learn a 2nd language.
  • We might see an increase in diseases that affect the nervous system, dexterity, the lungs, throat and the mind. Alternately, we could see optimism when it comes to treatments for these issues.

6.) Neptune’s Retrograde on the Anaretic Degree on July 2nd

Neptune will be in the last 3 degrees from March onward. The last 3 degrees are considered to be unstable or difficult. The 29th (anaretic) degree marks the end of a sign’s energy. We can perhaps liken it to a traveler reaching a border between countries where there is a marked difference between the rules, customs and cultures of one country and another. The time you’ve spent there is at its end, so you want to try to soak up as much of the experience as possible before you have to move on.

So maybe you try an “exotic” cuisine — and get really sick. Or you venture into a place where other tourists fear to tread — and get hurt. Planets at the 29th degree can be like that. They want mastery over the sign they have been in and will go to extremes to achieve that mastery. There can be heightened emotions and an urgency to act — which all too often results in mistakes and missteps.

A planet retrograding at the 29th degree indicates that the lessons haven’t all been learned. We need to go back and relearn them before we’ve achieved mastery and can move ahead.

I consider Neptune’s retrograde at the 29th degree significant enough to include in this list because:

It is the very last degree of the very last sign. Symbolically, we could say that a planet here has come full circle and mastered the entire Zodiac. The retrograde indicates there are still lessons to be learned, before the “wheel turns”

Back and Forth

Neptune retrogrades on July 2nd, and turns direct on December 8th (at the 27th degree) where it will start to pick up some speed. It will be back to 29 degrees in March 2025, and enter Aries at the very end of March 2025. BUT — Neptune will only “dip its toes” into Aries, retrograding again in July 2025. It will slow way down at 29 degrees Pisces, and station direct there in December 2025. It won’t enter Aries again until the end of January 2026.

To me, this indicates that we have some major lessons to learn from Neptune’s transit through Pisces.

And from a modern perspective, Neptune is said to be “at home” in Pisces. If we don’t learn the lessons of Pisces through a planet that is comfortable in Pisces, when that planet moves to the next sign (Aries), it will likely bring unnecessary baggage with it.

I think that over the course of the next 2 years, we will see an intensification of Neptunian conflicts and crises.

( ***this theory of the 29th degree is also applicable to Pluto. Pluto has been vacillating between the late degrees of Capricorn and 0 Aquarius for the past year now)

Some things that I think we could see:

Water related disasters – floods, problems with boats/ships, issues with bridges, dams, and other water-related barriers. Oil spills in the ocean are certainly a concern – as are oil and gas issues on land.

More positively, we could see progress with innovative “Neptunian” technology, such as using mushrooms to clean the oceans! (Uranus in Taurus will move into a closer sextile with Neptune!)

A prolific increase in cults, con-artists, and charlatans. Crimes involving fraud and identity theft. This will likely “lead” into issues with accessing the internet, and the way we access our money.

Self-victimization and martyrdom for causes. Victim culture and “identity politics” have really exploded as a divisive force since Neptune’s entry to Pisces. It is almost a guarantee that we will see more issues crop up related to this.

An emphasis on the artificial.

Two of the best known “meat alternative” companies emerged around the time Neptune entered Pisces. Impossible and Beyond have both sought to “replicate” the taste of meat with their plant based products.

Lab-grown meat is the next “wave” and is beginning to gain regulatory approval in the US, EU, Israel, and Singapore. It is highly likely that we will see lab-grown meats making the news in a big way over the next 2 years.

Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid which has shattered so many lives over the past decade or so since Neptune entered Pisces. It doesn’t look as though the opioid crisis is going away. What’s the strategy for combatting something so insidious? We know that in the case of opioids, doctors are the gateway drug dealers. “It’s legal and prescribed, so it must be okay” and then the age old proclamation, “I won’t be like one of those people – I’m just going to try it once”

neptune pisces opioid epidemic
Notice the upward motion around 2011 (When Neptune entered Pisces)

We will likely see more issues around drugs of all kinds in the next 2 years.

It’s not all “bad” however!

Better ways to treat addiction could emerge – paradoxically, with so-called “drugs”

Psychedelic drugs (or entheogens, if you prefer!) have shown promise for treatment of addictions, as well as many different psychiatric illnesses.

Over the past couple years “microdosing” as therapy has entered the “mainstream” consciousness, and there has been a lot of progress in the effort to decriminalize and set up centers for healing.

decriminalization neptune pisces.
Timeline of the US decriminalization of psychedelics from Wikipedia

Things can get weird.

Neptune and Pisces are associated with: Channeling, Clairvoyance, Clairsentience, “the Supernatural”, inter-dimensional Beings, Extraterrestrial Beings, “Non-Human Biologics” UFOS, etc.

Over the past decade or so, there has been a marked increase in the amount and the availability of information pertaining to UFOs, Extraterrestrials/Interdimensionals and the like. Ancient Aliens premiered in the year prior to Neptune’s entrance into Pisces — and now we’re 20 seasons in!

Dr. Steven Greer has popularized the notion that we can telepathically reach out and make contact personally — no middle-man (government) needed.

We’ve had a teeny tiny taste of government “disclosure”. But could we see a more “hard disclosure” soon? It is definitely not off the table.

The big question – If Alien crafts appear on Earth in such a way that their existence becomes indisputable will it be “for real” or will it be a “Blue Beam” scenario?

Neptune also rules over: Deception, Delusions, Mass Hypnosis, Mass Hallucinations, and Mass Hysteria. Neptune also has an association with secret societies and covert operations. Neptune is glitz and glamor, theatrics and the stage. It is associated with fantasy, special effects, and holograms. It is also associated with AI – remember, Neptune is all things synthetic!

It will be important for us to stay level-headed and to use discernment should such an event occur.

7.) Jupiter square Saturn on August 19th. Jupiter is joined by Mars and Venus opposes Saturn

This is an important one on my list for several reasons. To “The Ancients”, (and for “Traditional” astrologers today) aspects between Jupiter and Saturn were and are a big deal. Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are not visible to the naked eye — early astrologers were not aware of them.

Planets:  personal outer social

Jupiter and Saturn are important indicators for substantial change in society, which is why they are referred to as “the Social Planets”.

We could say that Jupiter and Saturn were doing “double duty” in that some of the things attributed to Neptune today used to be under the domain of Jupiter — while Saturn held many of the same significations of both modern-day Uranus and Pluto.

Anyway, I have great respect for “the astrology of the past” — if astrology could survive for 2000 years without use of the Outer Planets, the Ancients’ views on Jupiter and Saturn must have quite a lot of validity.

The Jupiter-Saturn cycle

Jupiter and Saturn meet in a conjunction every 20 years. This conjunction is said to mark the beginning of a cycle. This cycle is all about taking our ideas (Jupiter) and crystalizing them into physical reality (Saturn).

A new cycle started with the Conjunction at 0 degrees Aquarius on December 21st, 2020.

2020 Jupiter Saturn conjunction 0 degrees Aquarius
Dec 21st 2020 – the start of a new Jupiter-Saturn cycle.

Although most of us probably don’t need a refresher — we were neck deep in all things Covid. Lockdowns, masking, remote-work, hospital bed shortages, fear mongering over covid-variants — and of course the conspiracy theories.

In the US, we had just had a highly contested Presidential Election and Covid vaccines were being rolled out. There was a palatable schism between Liberals and Conservatives (worldwide) around the handling of Covid-19 — as well as who our elected officials should be.

The events around the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction (as well as its place in the zodiac) inform us of what our social purpose is going to be and how society is going to be structured for the next 20 years. A new commitment is formed. We decide what we’re going to be putting our energy into.

As the faster moving planet, Jupiter departs from Saturn fairly quickly. By April 2021, Jupiter had outpaced Saturn by about 12 degrees. Approximately a year later, Jupiter had entered Pisces while Saturn was still at 12 degrees Aquarius. So — eventually, Jupiter ends up in a 90 degree square aspect with Saturn.

The first square between Jupiter and Saturn marks the next phase of the commitment we made at the conjunction. What needs to be implemented to move the project (or process) further along? We are expanding the idea or plan within the confines of that idea or plan.

When Jupiter moves into opposition with Saturn we see the results of our endeavor and make some adjustments if necessary. By the closing square, we may be “letting go” and readying ourselves for a new vision. (It is interesting to note that the opposition phase of the current cycle begins in December 2029. Agenda 2030, anyone?)

The Jupiter-Saturn square of 2024

2024 astrology. Jupiter Saturn square

I don’t really care to delve too deeply into predictions with this post, (as it’s starting to get a bit long)…BUT I do want to reiterate the importance of this aspect.

As previously mentioned, the start of the Jupiter-Saturn cycle we are currently in occurred at 0 degrees of Aquarius. I’ve stated elsewhere in this post that any planet at 0 degrees is eager to express itself — and that Pluto will be at 0 degrees Aquarius for most of this year! Pluto, in a sense, can act as a “trigger” for the conjunction of Jupiter-Saturn — which is what makes this particular cycle remarkable!

Further, in the square aspect occurring on August 19th, Jupiter and Saturn are at critical degrees! The 17th degree in mutable signs suggests a need for flexibility and adaptability in the face of instability.

Venus and Mars are also “in on it”. Mars is joined to Jupiter, while Venus is opposing Saturn and square to Jupiter. This — in my opinion — puts additional emphasis on the Jupiter-Saturn cycle. And also points to difficulties around it.

It is interesting to note that Jupiter is debilitated in Gemini, Saturn is in one of the signs that Jupiter rules, and Venus is in her fall. There is also a Full Moon on this day.

8.) Lunar Eclipse on September 18

2024 astrology lunar eclipse in Pisces

This eclipse — and the Solar eclipse to follow are in Saros Series 8 South. Bernadette Brady describes this series as “the worst or most difficult.” And I have to say — this year in general becomes more treacherous in the last half of it.

Here we have a Neptune conjunction to the eclipse (Moon) — while the Moon is tightly conjunct the Saturn/Node midpoint.

Mercury/Node is also interacting with the eclipse through its square to both Sun and Moon.

Jupiter — the ruler of Pisces, “rules” also this eclipse. Jupiter is in detriment in Gemini and is also tightly opposing the Sun/Saturn Midpoint –and square to the Moon/Saturn midpoint

The midpoints

Sun & Moon = Saturn/Node: Loneliness and emotional inhibitions. “Widows/widowers and orphans”. Grief in a community. Separations. Nursing homes. Countries without aid, assistance, or allies.

Mercury/Node: This usually indicates joint plans and a desire to communicate — but because it =Saturn/Node, I would guess that it represents communication which is “cut off” or blocked in some way.

Sun/Saturn and Moon/Saturn = Jupiter: On the “world stage”, I think this indicates a preference for “isolationism” — a country wanting to be independent, and perhaps shunning outside influence. On a more individual level, it could be indicative of “finding the benefits” of separation.

Pisces Lunar Eclipse

Eclipses in Pisces emphasize Piscean things: Hospitals, places of refuge, shelters, displaced populations, and anyone who is dependent upon the good will of others (the impoverished, unemployed, or disabled for example). Pisces also rules over liquids, gasses, and oils. Oceans, aquatic creatures, boats, ships and water born illnesses.

With a Pisces eclipse, there can be elements of confusion, mystery, secrecy or deceit. Among the general population, there can be a sense of depression, loss and despair. Right now I’m thinking of the more “negative” manifestations of Pisces energy, as this is not looking like a “positive” eclipse.

The people who will be most affected are those with important planets or points in the entire 3rd decan of Pisces, or between 22-28 degrees of mutable signs (Virgo, Gemini, and Sagittarius).

Events are also most likely to occur within the “visibility zone”

lunar eclipse in pisces visibility. astrology of 2024
Eclipse visibility.

Just Days after the lunar eclipse, there will be 2 major aspect patterns: A grand trine between Sun, Uranus, and Pluto – and a yod between Uranus, Neptune, and Venus. More on this in a future post.

9.) Solar Eclipse on October 2nd

October 2024 Solar Eclipse

The Solar eclipse on 10/02/2024 occurs at 10 degrees Libra and is joined by Lilith and Mercury.
This is a South Node Eclipse which indicates a loss connected to the area of life this eclipse falls under in a natal chart.

Libra eclipses highlight issues of balance and equality. Diplomacy, treaties, contracts, and agreements all fall under the domain of Libra. Marriage and partnerships are also Libra territory. Under a South Node Eclipse, all of these Libra things face dissolution.

The end of a contract. The end of a marriage. The end of negotiations

The eclipse’s ruler is Venus in Scorpio. I suspect that a lot of things will “fall apart” for mysterious reasons. Communication may simply cease. There could be subterfuge as a strategy — or covert investigations could lead to an ending.

For marriages that “fail”, it is highly likely that there are sexual issues not being communicated, and infidelity could also be a culprit.

The closest midpoint activation is Neptune/Chiron (opposing Sun&Moon) — also indicative of a painful and mysterious ending.

I really hate to end this on such a bleak note…. especially because this last eclipse opposes my own natal Venus! But I will say again — the latter half of 2024 isn’t exactly cheery. It is better to be aware than caught off guard. And for those who believe in free will, manifesting, “astrological alchemy”, and light work — knowing what you’re up against is half the battle!

Published: January 8th 2024

See also:

Pluto in Aquarius / Pluto Out of Bounds

Pluto in Aquarius Themes and Memes

2 thoughts on “The 9 Biggest Astrology Events of 2024”

  1. Pingback: Pluto in Aquarius / Pluto Out of Bounds - Old Sol Astrology

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