Sun square Neptune Transit

Sun square Neptune is a challenging transit that can cloud our judgment and loosen our grasp on reality.

Sun square Neptune transit

Our energy is low under this transit. We can feel tired and rundown now — and we can be more susceptible to illnesses and infections. If you’re able, it would be best to just take a day off and rest. At the least, it would be good to squeeze a little extra sleep into our “bedtime” or take some immune boosting supplements.

We can feel a real lack of direction during these days. We may feel unsure about what we want, or what we are “meant” to do. What we think of as our “life purpose” can feel like a sham. Sun square Neptune is a time when we can get caught up in some incredibly pessimistic thinking.

Our imaginations can run wild and distort our perceptions.  We can have unrealistic expectations or fantasies about ourselves, others, or the world in general. We can let our inner critic get the best of us during this transit and get caught up in negative “affirmations”. We are more likely to believe the harmful things we tell ourselves – and can fall prey to other critics in our lives, as well.

We can feel really demoralized if things in our lives haven’t been functioning optimally. Sun square Neptune can act as a trigger for any emotional issues that we may have been suppressing. For a couple days, we may be feeling sad, depressed, shameful, or lonely. We can dwell on our regrets and shortcomings and struggle to find meaning, purpose, or joy. Sometimes, when you’re in the throes of such a negative mind-space, it can be super-hard to find a glimmer of hope…but hang on! This is a very brief transit!

I truly believe that awareness is the best armor. We may not always know exactly how a transit will play out, but if we have at least an idea of what we might expect, and for how long – it can be easier to get through whatever difficulty we’re facing! Fortunately Sun square Neptune only lasts a few days.

Hold off on important decisions if you can – and avoid drugs and alcohol! During this transit, our judgement is already impaired – and we’re also more susceptible to negative effects of Neptune. Neptune rules over alcohol, and drugs of all kinds. We can end up taking too much and getting really sick when the Planet of Vitality squares the Planet of Illusion. Be careful with any prescriptions and OTCs as well.

Most importantly, learn to silence your inner judge. I don’t mean your conscience…but the one who is very clearly NOT your friend, and NOT advising you toward your best interest.  

Feelings of helplessness and hopelessness are usually signs that you’ve fallen victim to “the Judge” or ”Wetiko”, “Archons”, negative Thought Forms or whatever else you want to call it.  This “voice” is illusory and not to be trusted.

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