Sun opposite Uranus key words and key phrases

Sun opposite Uranus transit: Restless Energy

Sun opposite Uranus:

Sun opposite Uranus symbols

This transit is in effect for maybe 3 days. It can make us feel restless and rebellious, as we seek more freedom and excitement. We are not going to like being told what to do if this transit is affecting us!

We may have sudden insights or changes in our plans, which can be stimulating…or frustrating! We should be careful not to act rashly or impulsively, as this can lead to accidents or mistakes. With any opposition to Uranus, we are more accident prone. Most of the time, if we have an accident under this transit, it will be something minor.

We may also encounter some unusual or eccentric people – or reconnect with someone “out of the blue”.   

This aspect can also indicate a disruption, accident, revelation –or something else unexpected — involving an authority figure or a political leader.

Some tips to work consciously with Sun Opposite Uranus:

Uranus is “electric” – when this is active in your chart, “ground” your excess energy! (Eat root veggies, meditate, breath control, yoga/exercise)

Do something creative that isn’t in your normal routine

Try to slow down! Awareness of thoughts and feelings – and taking some deep breaths before reacting can go a long way in preventing the more undesirable effects of this transit.

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