Solar Return Sun in the First Quadrant Houses

Solar Return Sun in the 1st House

When the Solar Return Sun is in the first house, there are several events that could potentially occur, including:

  1. Increased awareness of one’s personal identity: The first house is associated with the self and one’s ego identity, so having the Solar Return Sun in this house can signal a year where the individual will be focused on understanding who they are and are more inclined to focus on their own wants and needs. They may be more assertive of personal boundaries, and more decisive when it comes to personal goals and desires. A person is more likely to express themselves in such a year — for better or worse.
  2. Sun in the first can also indicate a year of new beginnings. There can be fresh starts in one’s career such as a promotion or a company restructuring. Or a new career altogether. It’s a time when new relationships and new friendships may be formed. Or it could signal a new phase in life such as becoming a parent.
  3. There may be changes to the physical body. Usually, it will be a simple alteration of one’s appearance. Depending upon the sign on the Return Ascendant, you may dress more or less conservatively for example. In some cases, the change can more be drastic –such as significant weight loss or gain. Health can be a concern in such a year. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you will have challenges. In fact, with “nice” aspects to the Sun, it can show a year in which chronic health issues are finally resolved! Look to the 6th house (both natal and Return) to get a better idea of your health for the coming year

Solar Return Sun in the 2nd House

When the Solar Return Sun is in the second house, there will be a strong awareness of one’s finances and sense of security. You will be much more aware of any deficits in this area, and be motivated to take action to fix them. Financially, this could mean seeking a higher-paying job or taking on a second job. You might cut back on your spending – or work out a plan to pay off your debts. Sometimes, there is an increase in expenses or a major purchase.

Security is more than just money. In a 2nd house Sun year, you might also seek stability. Any changes you might make in your life will be for the sake of your own peace of mind. Most people will want to avoid changes altogether, putting their focus on securing what they already have. For others, it will mean putting down roots. Buying a house (to settle into) or making one’s house more of a home are strong possibilities.

A second house Sun year is also a good time to work on issues related to self-worth and self-improvement. All of the houses are concerned with a different phase of life. The 2nd House is associated with the “toddler phase” of human development. In the first house, the child has realized “I have legs – these belong to ME”. In the 2nd, the child learns how to use them. With the Sun in the 2nd House, you’ll be wanting to utilize what you have. It’s a good time to build upon your skills and increase your confidence in them.

Solar Return Sun in the 3rd House

The 3rd house is associated with communication, learning, short-distance travel, siblings, and neighbors. When the Return Sun is in this house, it suggests a time when these areas will come into focus. There’s a possibility of taking a course in something or otherwise learning a new skill. You could be more communicative and perhaps more outspoken than usual. You will certainly keep busy, and your mind will stay occupied!

There’s a potential for your transportation to be highlighted. Perhaps you run into a lot of problems with your car and decide to buy a new one. Maybe you end up without a car and start taking the bus. You could even choose to change the way you get around – perhaps you decide to start walking or biking around town.

Siblings could take up more of your time and attention. This could be for any number of reasons. Maybe your sister is pregnant, and you are spending a lot of time helping her prepare for parenthood. Neighbors – or just your general neighborhood — could come into focus. Maybe you’re a renter in a multi-unit house, and have some unruly neighbors move in. More positively, you could start friendships with your neighbors or get involved with your local community in some way.

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