November 2023 forecast. Transits. Mundane astrology. world reading

November 2023 Astrological Events

November 2023 forecast — this “horoscope” is applicable to the entire world. The astrological events described here are Transit-to Transit. If you have a planet or point on one of the degrees shown, you may feel it in your own life. These interpretations describe the general feeling and/or themes of each day.

Most pictures are clickable links, and will bring you to a more in-depth interpretation.

mercury inconjunct Chiron
November 1st

Mercury = 16 degrees Scorpio

Chiron = 16 Degrees Aries

Transit Sun in aspect to Neptune. Sun Sesquiquadrate Neptune
November 2nd

Sun = 9-10 degrees Scorpio

Neptune RX = 25 Degrees Pisces

Transit Sun opposite Jupiter: overdoing it
November 2nd

Sun = 10 Degrees Scorpio

Jupiter RX = 10 Degrees Taurus

Social Adjustment. Venus quincunx north node
November 3rd

Venus in her Fall at 24 degrees Virgo

North Node = 24 degrees Aries

Transit Venus opposite Neptune.
November 3rd

Venus in her Fall at 25 degrees Virgo

Neptune RX = 25 Degrees Pisces

Venus sesquiquadrate Jupiter
November 3rd

Venus in her Fall at 25 degrees Virgo.

Jupiter RX at 10 degrees Taurus

Saturn stations direct November 2023 astrology
November 4th

Saturn Stations direct @ 00.31 Pisces

Transit Mercury opposite Uranus. Mercury in opposition to Uranus
November 4th

Mercury @ 21 degrees Scorpio

Uranus RX @21 degrees Taurus

Mars aspect to chiron. Mars inconjunct chiron. Mars quincunx chiron interpretation.
November 5th

Mars @ 16 degrees Scorpio

Chiron RX @ 16 degrees Aries

Jupiter semi square neptune
November 5th

Jupiter RX @ 10 degrees Taurus

Neptune RX @ 25 degrees Pisces

Venus trine Pluto transit
November 6th

Venus at 28 Degrees Virgo

Pluto at 28 degrees Capricorn

Mercury trine neptune transit.
November 6th

Mercury at 25 degrees Scorpio

Neptune at 25 degrees Pisces

Venus in Libra
November 8th

Venus into Libra

Venus quincunx Saturn Transit
November 8th

Venus at 0 degrees Libra

Saturn at 0 degrees Pisces

Mercury sextile Pluto in the spotlight
November 8th

Mercury at 28 degrees Scorpio

Pluto at 28 degrees Capricorn

Mercury into Sagittarius. Mercury ingress Sagittarius. Mercury in Sagittarius
November 10th

Mercury into Sagittarius

Mars Opposite Uranus
November 11th

Mars at 21 degrees Scorpio

Uranus RX at 21 degrees Taurus

Sun opposite Uranus key words and key phrases
November 13th

Sun @ 21 degrees Scorpio

Uranus RX at 21 degrees Taurus

Venus square Vesta
November 14th
Venus @ 7 degrees Libra

Vesta @ 7 degrees Cancer

Mercury sextile venus transit
November 15th

Venus @ 8 degrees Libra

Mercury @ 8 degrees Sagittarius

sun trine neptune transit
November 17th

Sun @ 24/25 degrees Scorpio

Neptune RX @ 24 degrees Pisces

Saturn Neptune Midpoint
November 18th: Transit Mercury at 12 degrees Sagittarius squares the Saturn/Neptune Midpoint in Pisces. We may see increased news reports of illnesses. There is a potential for problems related to old structures – particularly those connected to water or pharmaceuticals. Those responsible for negligence and fraudulent representation can be exposed.
If you have planets / angles at 12 degrees of mutable signs, you may see this in your own life. If you’ve slacked on rules and regulations, watch out! — be ready to defend yourself…or come clean. If you’ve been “wronged” by the misrepresentation of a product or service, the truth of it can be revealed now.
Sun sextile Pluto transit
November 20th

Sun at 28 degrees Scorpio

Pluto at 28 Degrees Capricorn

Mars sextile Pluto
November 21st

Mars at 28 Degrees Scorpio

Pluto at 28 Degrees Capricorn

Sagittarius season. Sun in Sagittarius
November 22nd – December 22nd

Sun enters Sagittarius, shining its light on issues of Justice, Morality, Faith, Belief, Education, Law, International Relations, and Expansion.

Mercury Square Neptune
November 27th

Mercury at 24 degrees Sagittarius

Neptune at 24 degrees Pisces

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