Mars opposite Uranus

Mars opposite Uranus can carry a tense and explosive energy. If you’ve ever seen a “Danger / High Voltage” sign – that’s applicable to this transit! Mars signifies action, aggression, and assertion, while Uranus represents rapid change, unpredictability, and rebellion. People who experience this transit may feel impatient, impulsive, and defiant, and may act in ways that are shocking, rash, or disruptive.
An increase in violent incidents can be observed during this transit. People affected will be touchier than usual – perhaps reaching a point where “enough is enough” – and so they “over-correct” when they push back.
We can also see an increase in accidents and injuries of all kinds – frequently related to speed, fires, or electricity. In most instances, those affected by this transit will not be seriously injured – maybe suffering nothing more than a small cut or bruise. We are a little more prone to carelessness during this transit, rushing through things. This can result in clumsiness!
In mundane astrology, Mars opposing Uranus can coincide with conflicts between nations or other groups of people – often resulting in violent exchanges. We can see riots and revolutions – as well as environmental/weather related disasters.
On the brighter side, we can see scientific breakthroughs, innovation in various sectors, and political reforms.
Key phrases:
Sudden reactionary destruction.
Anger/rage exploding in a shocking way.
Feeling the need to fight or push back against one’s oppressors.