Astrology of the Titan Submersible Disaster – Sun Conjunct Atlantis

I don’t typically work with minor asteroids, but today I was organizing my online bookmarks and came across a site I had saved on Trans Neptunian Planets and Asteroid meanings. I saw the meaning of the asteroid Atlantis(1198) and knew I had to draw a chart for the “missing” Titan submersible.

Asteroid Atlantis meaning

Based on news sources, contact with the submersible was lost 1 hour and 45 minutes after its 8 am departure on Sunday, June 18th

Titan disaster

Look at where Atlantis is! Exactly conjunct the Sun….and square to Neptune.

In mythology, Neptune is the God of the Sea.

Neptune is located in the last degrees of a water sign.

The late degrees of any sign are considered unstable. When a planet traverses the late degrees of a water sign, it is said that there will be problems related to water; flooding, drowning, etc – particularly when another planet is adversely aspecting.

A few other interesting things to note:

  1. The Moon is opposing another asteroid associated with drowning – Ophelia(171)
  2. There was a New Moon hours prior. New Moons are associated with new projects. The submersible expedition qualifies.
  3. Pluto (tragedies) in the sign of Capricorn (The rules) is Quincunx the New Moon. It has been suggested that the submersible wasn’t “up to par” as far as the “rules” for the design of such a craft.
  4. 9:45 am places the Ascendant at 21 degrees Leo – exactly square to Uranus. Uranus is associated with accidents.

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