Activations of the Moon/Venus Midpoint

In general, the Moon/Venus midpoint is an “ultra feminine” one. It is receptive, “yin” energy. In the charts of both men, and women it often is active at the birth of a child. It can also manifest at any other time of heightened creativity.

This midpoint is very “feelings-oriented” — typically it relates more to feeling good. Parties and celebrations aren’t uncommon upon the activation of Moon/Venus.

Despite its association with pleasantness — Moon/Venus can also be active during dark, or difficult times as well.

Venus = Enjoyment — including the enjoyment of love. And indulgences

Moon = Emotions. They come and go and can change in an instant.

Certain planetary activations of Moon/Venus can affect love and enjoyment emotions in a turbulent or disturbing way. Mars can bring passion — including passionate anger. Saturn can have a depressing effect. Uranus can act upon the nerves, bringing emotional tensions to the forefront.

How are Moon and Venus configured in the birth chart? This can give clues as to how this midpoint might manifest upon activation…

Sun= Moon/Venus:

In the Ebertin text, it is described as being “protective of the family” and can relate to appreciation of art. I see it as emphasizing the “male”, active / yang principle. And it appears to be present during times of heightened creativity — where something created “breaks through”

Anne Heche’s first child was born in 2002 when the Progressed Sun was conjunct to this midpoint.

Prince’s first album, “For You” was released the year his progressed Sun squared the Moon/Venus midpoint.

Moon = Moon/Venus:

Often associated with conception or childbirth

Rhianna gave birth to her first child when Progressed Moon was square to this midpoint.

Lucille Ball also gave birth to her first child in the year that Solar Arc Moon squared Moon/Venus. “I Love Lucy” debuted the same year.


Thoughts about love. Communication of love or concern.

James Dean died in an auto-racing accident when Progressed Mercury squared this midpoint and opposed his natal Neptune.

Venus = Moon/Venus:

Being an ultra-feminine combination, this one is often associated with conception or childbirth. But it can easily relate (either positive or negatively!) to one’s intimate relationships and feelings of enjoyment. Moon/Venus with re-enforcement from Venus is all about feeling good. Parties and celebrations can occur under this midpoint combo.

Transit Venus was on the Moon/Venus midpoint in Vince Neil’s chart on 12/08/1984 when he was involved in a fatal drunk driving accident. He had apparently thrown a days-long party and went on a beer run.

Venus again, activates this midpoint in Progressions (via square) at the time of Vince Neil’s 3rd divorce. It actually went retrograde at this degree at the time — and over the next 3 years of being in the degree, he was arrested twice for violent incidents. It should be noted that the direct midpoint is 29 degrees Capricorn — a particularly tumultuous degree.

Prince appeared at mutliple awards ceremonies as a performer — and a recipient — in 2006 when Progressed Venus was square to this midpoint. It is also the year that his 2nd wife, Manuela Testolini, filed for divorce.

Mars = Moon/Venus:

Living with a strong passion and following one’s instincts. Acting without thinking too much but letting emotions guide. Actions that are intuitive. Having a deep desire to start a family and share love with someone. Sometimes being impatient or abrupt with the people one cares about, or acting on impulse when it comes to matters of the heart.

The divorce of Donald and Ivana Trump occurred when his solar Arc Mars was on his Moon/Venus midpoint. He was having an affair with Marla Maples at the time.

Rhianna’s “breakthrough album” was released when Progressed Mars was square to her Moon/Venus.

Jupiter = Moon/ Venus:

One enjoys a happy love life and feels a wealth of emotion. To be optimistic and affectionate in one’s outlook. Success through art. Attracting luck and prosperity through women or…one has a lucky and prosperous woman in one’s life. One also benefits from the kindness or spirituality of women.

In the chart of Vince Neil, Progressed Jupiter was conjunct the Moon/Venus midpoint when his 2nd daughter was born. It stayed in this degree for the duration of her short life — and moved out of the degree in 1995 very close to the time she died.

“The Great Benefic” Jupiter doesn’t appear to be very beneficial in Vince Neil’s case. It should be noted that his natal Jupiter is Fallen and conjunct to Saturn. In his progressions, Jupiter was on the 29th degree of Capricorn during this tragedy. However, it is possible to look at it from another perspective. Perhaps Jupiter, acting as a teacher, expanded his perspective on life and awakened an empathy that wasn’t previously present.

After his daughter’s untimely death, he started a charitable foundation and stated: “When I search for a reason for Skylar’s death, it’s as if she has opened my eyes to all the suffering other children and their parents are going through.

Madonna’s career and popularity really took off (globally!) in 1984 when Like A Virgin was released. Arc Jupiter was square to her Moon/Venus midpoint.

Madonna like a virgin astrology moon/Venus midpoint
Moon/Venus in the older texts is linked to the transition in a woman’s life from “virgin” to wife or “expectant mother” — very suitable that bridal imagery would be used for “Like a Virgin” with Madonna’s Arc Jupiter activating this midpoint.

Marlene Dietrich’s only child (a daughter) was born when Solar Arc Jupiter was square to her Moon/Venus midpoint.

Saturn = Moon / Venus:  

Concealing emotions and exercising restraint in the expression of love. A deficit of emotional satisfaction. Kindness for those who are suffering and a desire to support those who are less fortunate. Obstacles prevent one from sharing feelings or supporting others. A feeling of not doing enough to mitigate the suffering of others.

Transit Saturn was conjunct Angelina Jolie’s Moon/Venus midpoint in 2001 when she started her humanitarian work in Cambodia.

Arc Saturn was semi-square to Debbie Reynold’s Moon/Venus when her daughter (Carrie Fisher) was born.

"When I was born, my mother was given an anesthetic because they didn't have epidurals in those days. Consequently, she was unconscious.

Now, my mother is a beautiful woman—she’s beautiful today in her 70s, so at 24 she looked like a Christmas morning. All the doctors [in the delivery room] were buzzing round her pretty head, saying: ‘Oh, look at Debbie Reynolds asleep—how pretty.’
And my father, upon seeing me start to arrive, fainted. So all the nurses ran over saying: ‘Oh look, there’s Eddie Fisher, the crooner, on the ground. Let's go look at him.’

So when I arrived I was virtually unattended. And I have been trying to make up for that fact ever since." 
-From Carrie Fisher's autobiography

Uranus = Moon/Venus:

One experiences sudden desires and emotions that come from ”out of the blue”. To quote Ebertin, “fits of emotion.” One expresses one’s care or concern in an unconventional way. One faces unexpected events that involve one’s loved ones, housemates, or neighbors. There can also be “shotgun weddings” and unplanned pregnancies. The causes close to one’s heart are “different” or “eccentric”.

Angelina Jolie acquired a pilot’s license in 2004 when transit Uranus was square to this midpoint.  Apparently, her son Maddox (3 at the time) loved planes, and she did it for his benefit!

Vivien Leigh had a nervous breakdown, on set, in 1953. She was briefly hospitalized and diagnosed as “manic depressive” following this incident. Solar Arc Uranus was activating her Moon/Venus by square.

Neptune = Moon/Venus:

Disturbance / abnormality of glands (mammary, ovarian in particular / “female” cancers). Hidden or deceitful love or care. Illusions/delusions related to one’s parents or parenting.

Angelina Jolie underwent a preventative double mastectomy when Transit Neptune was square to this midpoint. Progressed Moon was also square to it (and opposing transit Neptune)

James Dean had this natally. His mother died of uterine cancer when he was 9 years old — his progressed Moon squared this midpoint and opposed his natal Neptune at the time of her death.

Patty Duke’s mother turned her over to “talent managers” when she was 7-8 years old. In a Washington Post article, she is described as “The original survivor of dysfunctional child stardom. Her managers plied her with drugs and alcohol, taught her to lie about every aspect of her identity (including changing her name from Anna to Patty) and stole her earnings. At this time (of “custody exchange”) Arc Neptune was on the Moon/Venus midpoint.

Pluto = Moon/Venus:

Twists of “Fate” in loving relationships

Angelina Jolie separated from Johnny Miller after 18 months of marriage when transit Pluto opposed her Moon/Venus midpoint.

In the year prior to her divorce from Desi Arnez, Lucille Ball had Arc Pluto square to her Moon/Venus, and Arc Mars semi-square to it.

Node = Moon/Venus

Asc = Moon/Venus

MC = Moon/Venus

In 2023, Bobcat Goldthwait released a stand-up album after years of inactivity on that front. Solar Arc MC was conjunct to the Moon/Venus midpoint. In an interview, he stated, “It’s really exciting to get back to making stuff because you want to and not because there was pressure or because I just figured I could do the album and get paid,” 

Donald Trump’s Solar Arc MC was on the Moon/Venus midpoint when his daughter Tiffany was born. Just 2 months later, he married Marla Maples.

The secondary progressed MC was on the Moon/Venus of someone I know personally when his first child (a daughter) was born. This person also has natal Ceres on the Moon/Venus midpoint.

Chiron = Moon/Venus

Anne Heche had Natal Chiron square to this midpoint. In 1983, when the Progressed Moon was conjunct Chiron and also activating Moon/Venus, her father died from AIDS complications.

Ceres = Moon/Venus

Often, I think of Ceres as the “goddess of grains and grieving” and reserve the “mother archetype” more for the Moon. I think of Moon as emotional nurture, and Ceres more as physical nurture (providing food, for example). Moon and Ceres together — in my opinion — is a clear indication of an all-around nurturing person. Usually it will indicate the mother, grandmother, or another maternal figure. With Venus in the mix, the expectation is of a very loving mother-child relationship. Because these planets/objects are feminine, I would also expect it to relate more to mother-daughter relationships and nurturing amongst women.

However, transit Ceres frequently shows up as the grieving goddess — She is often making significant conjunctions, squares, or oppositions in death charts.

Carrie Fisher and her mother Debbie Reynolds died a day apart. In Carrie Fisher’s chart, transit Mars (with the transiting South Node) was semi-square to her Moon/Venus midpoint. Simultaneously, transits Jupiter and Uranus were opposing each other — with Ceres conjunct to Uranus. This opposition squared her Moon/Venus.

Interestingly, this same Jupiter-Uranus/Ceres opposition squared the natal Ceres-Pluto opposition in Debbie Reynolds’ chart at the time of her death. Debbie Reynolds had natal Sun conjunct her own Moon/Venus midpoint

Lilith = Moon/Venus

Nancy Spungen had natal True Lilith conjunct to her Moon/Venus midpoint.

Patty Duke’s 1970 pregnancy was marred by questions of paternity. She was dating 3 different men at the time. One of these men was Desi Arnez Jr — then 17, His mother Lucille Ball, publicly disapproved of the relationship due to Duke’s “erratic behavior”. Arc Lilith (mean) was on Patty Duke’s Moon/Venus.


One client’s Moon/Venus midpoint is in the same sign as his wife’s — less than one degree apart. When their first child was born, transit Mars was conjunct this midpoint

Similarly, my parents have the same sign/degree for their Moon/Venus midpoints. It is located about 2 degrees away from my natal Sun. Assuming a typical gestation of 9 months, at the time of my conception, the transit Sun or Transit Mars could have been activating this midpoint for them.

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