Solar Eclipse in Aries: Passion and Courage

The upcoming Solar Eclipse at 29 degrees Aries is sure to pack a passionate punch…or maybe a love tap? But before exploring the specifics of this eclipse, let’s get into the nature of eclipses in general…

What is an Eclipse?

A solar eclipse is essentially a very powerful new moon. With a Solar Eclipse, the Moon is conjunct to the Sun and is usually representative of new beginnings. With a Lunar Eclipse, the Moon is opposite from the Sun, and more often is representative of endings.

A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between the Sun and the Earth, blocking the light of the Sun and casting a shadow on the Earth. There are four types of solar eclipses: total, partial, annular, and hybrid.

During a total solar eclipse, the Moon completely covers the Sun, and the Sun’s outer atmosphere, (the corona) becomes visible.

With a partial eclipse, the Moon only partially covers the Sun, creating a crescent shape. Partial eclipses are more common than total eclipses. They can also be seen from a wider area on the earth’s surface.

During an annular eclipse, the Moon is farther away from the Earth, and its apparent size is smaller than the Sun’s. The Moon does not completely cover the Sun, leaving a ring of sunlight visible around the Moon’s silhouette.

Relatively rare, hybrid eclipses occur when the Moon’s shadow appears to be both total and annular along different sections of the eclipse path. This happens because the Moon’s distance from the Earth and its elliptical orbit can cause its apparent size to vary. Observers outside the path of the eclipse will view it as if it is partial. The 29 Aries eclipse is of the hybrid variety!

As far as I know, there is no “rule” concerning the potency of an eclipse by its type. Where it concerns the world at large, you can expect to see unusual events occur in the regions in which the eclipse is most visible. In an individual’s chart, what matters most is that a planet or point is being aspected.

What Do Astrologers Believe about Solar Eclipses?

Solar eclipses mark new beginnings or a turning point in an individual’s life – or in the collective consciousness of society. Frequently eclipses (whether Solar or Lunar) carry a “Uranian” flavor of unpredictability – events occur that you may not have seen coming. Fortunately, through astrology, we can get a better idea of what to expect. With the right understanding, we can prepare for changes, opportunities, and challenges that may arrive around an eclipse.

Generally, when getting a feel for what an eclipse might portend, I like to look at the sections on the Saros Cycle in Bernadette Brady’s excellent book, “Predictive Astrology”. A Saros cycle is a period of about 18 years, during which the Sun, Moon, and Earth return to approximately the same positions. Each Saros cycle produces a series of eclipses, with the first eclipse in the series called the “Saros series.” This series of eclipses will continue for about 12 to 13 centuries before it ends, with each individual eclipse occurring about every 18 years.

Each Series essentially has its own “birth chart”, and from this, we can get an idea about what we might expect from a Series-specific eclipse.

The Solar Eclipse of April 20th, 2023

The Solar eclipse occurring on April 20th, 2023 will be on the degree of 29 Aries. According to Bernadette Brady, this eclipse belongs to the 7 North Series. Its birth chart has the New Moon opposing Pluto and is on the Venus/Mars midpoint.

What does this signify?

New moons are “new energy” in which there is a blending of the feminine and masculine principles. The Venus/Mars midpoint is related to passion and is generally a very sexual midpoint. Add Pluto to the mix, and you get procreative power.

Although we can expect to see a lot of pregnancy announcements, this eclipse may usher in other forms of creativity and lusty romances. Unfortunately, we might also see an uptick in sexual violence and stalking as well.

With the eclipse on the 29th degree of Aries, there is a marked sense of urgency. The 29th degree is “anaretic” or “critical”. It’s the last mad dash to finish up the hectic energy of Aries before moving into the stability of Taurus.

Aries is a sign that we can associate with an entrepreneurial spirit. It is gung-ho to get started on new projects and likes to work independently. We might see a lot of people affected by this eclipse start new businesses. We can see younger people take steps toward greater independence while others might just become a little more daring, and courageous.

Who will be affected by this Solar Eclipse?

Based on my personal observations, the conjunction and opposition are the most powerful. The square is also valid. As for other aspects, I have yet to see enough evidence to speak one way or another. But if the aspect – no matter what kind of aspect it is – is within 1 degree of orb, do take note of it and let me know what (if anything) happens!

The tighter the orbs, the greater probability that the eclipse will have an effect.


Check first for aspects.

What planet is being aspected and how is it being aspected? How strong is the aspect?

What does the planet rule over naturally? Which house does it have rulership over?

What house does the eclipse fall into?

Aspects to Planets and Points

Aspecting the Sun: The Sun represents physical vitality as well as the ego, ambitions, willpower, and leadership. It is attention-seeking and can show a flair for drama and creativity. It can be symbolic of the men in a person’s life – often the father or father figure. Sometimes it can represent the husband. This could be a time to take decisive action in any of these areas.

You might have a sudden realization that you need to take better care of your body and implement an action plan. You may become more ambitious – or an event may occur that shifts your ambitions into closer alignment with the core of your being.

Aspecting the Moon: The moon is related to emotional and domestic comfort, nurture, one’s mother, motherly figures, and motherhood in general. This could certainly trigger pregnancy. Buying a home, renovating a home, or moving house are other strong possibilities.

Aspecting Mercury: Mercury is the messenger and represents all forms of communication, ideas, and learning. This could be a time in which there is a desire to go back to school, or take classes. Some may begin work on a novel or a blog. There’s also a possibility of buying a new car or otherwise changing the way that you maneuver around town.

Mercury is associated with the signing of contracts. Any sort of paperwork can figure prominently. Perhaps there’s a need to sign legal documents related to marriage or divorce, as one example. There can be changes in the lives of one’s siblings, or changes having to do with neighbors.

Aspecting Venus: Venus is most associated with relationships, comfort, finances, and sensuality. With the eclipse affecting Venus, there could be significant changes in your romantic life or your income. You could make a significant purchase or have an opportunity for sensory indulgences that in the past seemed “too frivolous”. There’s a possibility of a transformation of one’s appearance. Because this is an Aries Eclipse, anything involving “cutting” could come up; dramatic haircuts and cosmetic surgery are certainly not unlikely.

Venus is a lusty planet. When stimulated by a “steamy” eclipse, the most probable manifestation will be new relationships – or a renewed interest in already established ones.

Aspecting Mars: Eclipses to Mars will most commonly coincide with aggressive or irritating incidents. This needn’t be wholly negative. Sometimes you need to stand up for yourself! If in the past you’ve passively sat back and “took it”, this eclipse could offer an opportunity for you to finally make your boundaries known. You might even advocate for others who have been mistreated.

Mars is also a sexual planet. Keeping in mind the passionate nature of this eclipse, if it hits your Mars, your feelings towards someone could be ignited…..or you may be pursued. This may be welcomed, or it may not be. In the case that it isn’t, this does not necessarily mean that you will be assaulted! You could simply be the recipient of unwanted attention and just have to firmly let the person know you are not interested. That said, it’s best to avoid dangerous places and sketchy people around this time, if possible.

The eclipse on Mars may evoke competitiveness in some people. There may be increased independence or ambition in some. There could be changes in energy levels for others. Perhaps a boost to one’s vitality allows a person to be more physically active after a long period of inertia.

An active Mars can also be an indicator for surgery as Mars is related to sharp objects.

Aspecting Jupiter: With eclipses to Jupiter you may experience rapid growth in your career, an expansion of your mind, and possibly financial gains. Your world could “open up” in new ways.

You may become acquainted with someone who has a much different cultural, religious, or economic background, and through them, will learn to look at the world from a different point of view. Because this is an Aries eclipse, you will probably be a little more proactive in broadening your mind by taking classes – or finally taking that trip abroad.

The main keywords to keep in mind for Jupiter are gain, growth, and expansion. For some, an Eclipse to Jupiter can bring “luck”

Aspecting Saturn: Prepare to be challenged in some way when there’s an eclipse to your Saturn. This is a time when you will have to grow up, mature and take on more responsibility. The pain of this will of course vary – as with any planet affected by an eclipse.

If you have a “healthy” Saturn, extra responsibility will be more welcomed than burdensome. Perhaps you accept a promotion at work which requires more of your time and attention. A more troublesome Saturn could experience more forceful conditions in which there is a loss of some kind. It could be a loss of a loved one, the ending of a relationship, restriction of one’s income, or difficulties with one’s health – depending on where Saturn is, what house it rules, and how Saturn is aspected.

Aspecting Uranus: Eclipses and Uranus have the commonality of change coming from “out of nowhere”. They both act like curve balls. You can experience sudden changes of direction in whatever area of life Uranus touches. Again due to the passionate and sexual nature of the eclipse, some may start relationships with people that are not their usual “type”. Relationships can suddenly end…or take a new shape. Monogamous relationships could become polyamorous and vice-versa. I’ve noticed that with Uranus’s aspects to Venus, friends can become lovers. Again, I mention this because there’s a Venusian flavor to this eclipse.

Some other possibilities include:

  1. A restless desire for greater independence and freedom. This could be in regard to career, relationships, self-expression, or one’s living situation. Whatever it is, the nagging discontent will be met by change. If you don’t initiate it, someone or something else will.
  2. Innovation, inventiveness, and “aha!” moments
  3. Enhanced intuition or psychic abilities suddenly “powering on”

Aspecting Neptune: You could become enchanted by someone (or something) with this Eclipse. Powerful attraction meets rose-colored glasses. Sometimes this is fine and well. In relationships, it’s not at all uncommon to idealize your partner in the very beginning. But if this eclipse is affecting your Neptune, be aware that you may be a little too trusting or gullible at this time. It would be wise to seek the counsel of tried, true, and trusted loved ones before making any sort of risky decision.

Alternately, for those who have been fooling themselves for a while, there can be painful realizations, and disillusionment, particularly in the realm of relationships. If this is the case for you, try to be gentle with yourself.

Another thing to watch out for is issues with drugs. Whether recreational or prescribed, problems may emerge. Perhaps you are prescribed something that doesn’t work for you – or for which you experience side effects. There may be a need for adjustments in medication. Again, considering this is a passionate, sexual eclipse, there is the possibility of birth control failing if your Neptune is affected.

Also – as with Uranus, psychic ability can also be enhanced when Neptune is triggered by an eclipse.

Aspecting Pluto: Issues of power and control can emerge when Pluto is stimulated by an eclipse. A person may experience extreme situations or profoundly life-altering events. Pluto is the planet most associated with trauma. I think most people will escape unscathed, but an unlucky few may come face-to-face with devastation.

Pluto is not all doom and gloom! Some people will have the opportunity to transform and feel more powerful and in control of their “destiny”. There could even be a positive financial metamorphosis for some, depending on Pluto’s aspects in the birth chart.

Aspecting Nodes: With an eclipse on one of the natal Nodes, this means that you’re either having a nodal return or opposition since the nodes are never far from an eclipse. You can read more about transit Nodes to natal Nodes here.

When the Nodes are affected by an eclipse, you may feel that you’ve reached a milestone – or a turning point. With the square, in particular, there could be a bit of stress around making the “right” decision. Look at what house the eclipse falls into. This will help inform you of what area of your life is “under review”

Aspecting Asc: Eclipses to the Ascendant/Descendant will highlight identity and relationships. Sometimes identity will figure more strongly, while in other cases, relationships will be more prominent. Eclipses on this axis will usually signal important life events in which there’s a change to the way a person sees him or herself. Often times we define at least a part of our identity by our relationship status. There could certainly be twists and turns in relationships with an eclipse on the Asc/Dsc axis.

Aspecting MC: Eclipses to the Midheaven/Imum Coeli can point to changes to one’s social status or home life. Can show promotions (or demotions) in the career, it can indicate starting over in one’s professional life, and any other sort of change related to one’s ambitions or responsibilities. There can also be changes related to the identity – think: name changes due to marriage, or gaining a professional title

Eclipses here can also be indicative of changes to the home (moving, buying a home) or changes to the nuclear family (deaths, births, blending a household).

Whenever the angles receive any sort of major transit, you can expect that a major life change (in general) is imminent!!

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