The Uranus/Pluto midpoint is frequently linked to events related to finance and technology, with Uranus representing science and technology, while Pluto is associated with financial matters. Ebertin connected this midpoint to revolutions and transformative processes, as Uranus is known for innovation and Pluto for transformation.
By combining various keywords associated with these planets, we can get a rough idea about what Uranus/Pluto might signify in a chart. Some interpretations include:
– Secrets (Pluto) intertwined with technology (Uranus)
– An obsession with technology
– Mass fatalities resulting from technological advancements
– Technology that inhibits decay
– Sudden breakdowns or erosion
– Revolutionary technologies that change our approach to waste management
– A sudden surge in crime (Pluto), characterized by shocking or uncontrollable acts
– Resurrection technology (cryogenics) or metaphorical rebirths in scientific or occult domains (holograms of the dead?)
Neptune on the Uranus/Pluto midpoint throughout 2025
Neptune has been on the same degree (27 Pisces) as the Uranus/Pluto midpoint since October 2024. It will be exact to the minute today (January 4th 2025)
When we add Neptune into the picture, it introduces a layer of complexity. Neptune is associated with confusion, illusion, or deception. The Neptunian influence may lead to a sense of “wasting away” or dissolution, as well as tendencies toward avoidance and evasion. Reality can become obscured, hidden, or disguised. Additionally, this energy can imbue situations with a sense of mysticism or spiritual importance, while simultaneously allowing for glamorization of Uranus/Pluto events
Neptune = Uranus/Pluto fits well with what’s been going on with mystery drones appearing over New Jersey. Officials have yet to provide an explanation.
Neptune=Confusion (or deception)
Uranus= Technology/Aviation
Pluto= Secrets / the hidden hand (hidden power)
The United Healthcare CEO killing in early December also fits:
A crime (Pluto) committed is viewed by the public as a revolutionary act (Uranus). The murderer evaded (Neptune) capture for what seemed like an awfully long time — considering that we live in a surveillance state (Uranus/Pluto)! We could also say that the killer was glamorized (Neptune)
Neptune =Uranus/Pluto will remain active for the duration of 2025, with Uranus/Pluto trailing the transit of Neptune