Pluto in Aquarius Themes and Memes

I covered a decent amount of ground with my last post on Pluto in Aquarius – but there’s still a lot more to contemplate! Here are just a few of the “themes” I think we’ll be seeing over the next 20 years (some within the next year!!)

For practical purposes, we will need to transform the way our society operates on a grand scale in order to accommodate longer lifespans. Ethical questions regarding this will most certainly arise.

There have been other sci-fi books and movies with a similar theme featuring organic androids – humanoid robots with “living” parts.

It’s hard to imagine that we might see this in the next 20 years — but the fact that “they” are grafting human cells into mice and monkey embryos should inform us that “they” are working on it!

Quietly, and behind the scenes. It has been theorized that our tech and science is at least 20+ years “ahead” of what the public thinks is even possible.

In any case — and this links back to the “playing god” and “how far is too far?” blurbs above — our science and tech will most certainly present us with the task of determining “what is human?” in the years ahead.

Pluto is the destroyer.

We will likely see a notable uptick in: coronary artery disease, strokes, hypertension, blood clots, heart attacks, leukemias, blood poisoning/sepsis, and bleeding disorders.

The “dirty laundry” of humanitarian organizations in particular is about to be aired.

Some of these revelations could be so alarming that the organization is totally dismantled. Other groups might just have to make some tweaks and do some restructuring.

It is interesting to note that The United Nations was born out of the League of Nations — the last time Pluto was “out of bounds”

The way we communicate from a distance is likely to undergo some changes during Pluto’s reign in Aquarius.

Aquarius — being an air sign — has a lot to do with the communication of our ideas and the technology we use to do so.

Could an EMP or DEW damage our communications tech in coming years?

Aside from the threat of a third World War, we also have solar cycles to take into consideration.

The largest natural EMP (recorded in history) occurred in 1859. From my understanding, when we are in a solar maximum, sunspots and solar storms are much more likely to occur — and potentially damage the earth’s magnetosphere. (Our communications systems rely on the use of electromagnetic waves)

This article from actually projects that the Solar Maximum will occur around the time of the upcoming April 8th Solar Eclipse!

Beyond the discoveries of the James Webb Telescope, I think we’ll see major advancements in space travel, and possibly even the start of terraforming.

Things “buried” in the ice fit the bill as well.

There are Antarctic glaciers believed to be 100,000 – 1,000,000 years old. What “secrets” might they be preserving?

No matter what “they” bring, it will be a huge paradigm shift — even for those of us who believe we are ready.

Published: 1/25/2024

See also:

The 9 Biggest Astrology Events of 2024

Pluto in Aquarius / Pluto Out of Bounds

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