Transit Mercury opposite Uranus. Mercury in opposition to Uranus

Mercury opposite Uranus:

With Transit Mercury Opposing Uranus there is an increase in “communication breakdowns.” There can be a fixation on one single point of view and a stubborn refusal to compromise. Mental tension, anxiety, and irritability are all common during this transit.

As a personal transit, you may find it hard to relax. Mercury-Uranus contacts often correlate with an increase in mental energy and rapid, racing thoughts. As a result of being scatter-brained and unable to maintain focus, this transit can make you more prone to making mistakes, or to saying things that you regret as soon as the words spill out.

All oppositions create a “push-pull” dynamic. You may feel the urge to argue, debate, or protest. You may also attract people who are argumentative or aggressive in their words and actions. Communications in general can be a challenge!

We can also experience disruptions, delays, or accidents with our means of communication. Cell phones and computers can “act” problematically or be a source of irritation.

We might have to make sudden changes to our plans — especially regarding travel. Maybe driving conditions aren’t good (snow storm, flash flood), or you have a sudden mechanical problem with your car and have to postpone some plans.

On the positive side, this transit can stimulate your curiosity, and originality. It’s a great time to learn something new! You may have brilliant ideas or delve into something fascinating.  

On a mundane level, we might see protests / revolutions…maybe even coup-d’états. We could see stormy weather and travel related accidents. Cutting edge science and tech could make headlines.

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