Social Adjustment. Venus quincunx north node

Venus quincunx North Node / Rahu:

It is likely that “the timing is off” when it comes to romance, socializing and finances. For those affected, it might not be the best time to “move money”, take out a loan, or refinance. There could also be a need to reschedule any dates, parties, or other social occasions.

When transit Venus is inconjunct to your Natal North Node, its effects are going to be minor and insignificant unless it ties into a longer term, more impactful transit.

Some possibilities on how it could manifest:

You may have to adjust for financial limitations or some other sort of lack. Perhaps you’ve gone out to dinner with the intention of treating yourself to some Prime Rib…but they’ve sold out for the night, so you have to choose something else.

Maybe you planned on going on a date, but your date has had something come up unexpectedly and they have to reschedule.

Being flexible and willing to adjust will make all the difference with this slightly annoying transit.

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